Part 34
The Flow of Variations: Going with the Flow
The Asker and the Offended unwillingly go with the flow of life. The Warrior, on the other hand, tries to fight against the flow. Of course, there are no pure types of these people. From time to time, everybody to a certain degree takes on one of the roles. Playing these parts, a man is acting extremely inefficiently. But if we can’t struggle, nor go with the flow, what is there left for us to do?
Earlier we saw how the mind authoritatively dictates its own will, based on common sense. Many people reason very sensibly, but at the same time get nowhere in solving their problems. What is then the great use of such common sense? The mind cannot guarantee that its solution will be foolproof. The mind only thinks that it is reasoning sensibly, when in fact it is actually offering itself to pendulums. There can be no talk of freedom in moving along the flow while a man is play- ing the part of the Asker, the Offended, or the Warrior. Even the Warrior has the same amount of freedom to express his will as has a little paper boat.
How does the Warrior move with the flow of life? Pendulums provoke him into a fight with them, and he swims against the current, not understanding that it would be easier and more advantageous to use the flow. His mind is captured by pendulums, but the Warrior is resolutely set for battle and, by making resolute decisions, he is whipping the water with all his might, when calm and smooth movements would have been enough. And now imagine that you are not resisting the flow and you are not causing any extra turbulence, but neither are you going with the flow without any will like a little paper boat. You are intentionally moving in agreement with the flow, you note the shoals on the way, the barriers and dangerous areas, and only by using smooth movements are you able to keep your chosen direction. You are the one standing at the steering wheel.
But can we actually look at life as a flow? And why can we neither swim without any will, nor resist the flow? On the one hand, the information that lies in the space of vari- ations is stationary, like a matrix. But at the same time, the information’s structure is or- ganized into chains of cause-and-effect. These give birth to the flow of variations – and that is the flow we are about to discuss.
The main reason it is not worth actively op- posing the current, is that it is a massive, useless, and even harmful waste of energy. But can one rely on the flow of variations? After all, it can lead you not only to a peaceful lagoon, but also to a waterfall. This is precisely why, to avoid unpleasantness, you must correct your movements with calm, even strokes. Of course, to begin, you must correctly choose the general direction of this flow. The direction is determined by your chosen goal and the means for its attainment. After the direction has been chosen, you must rely on the flow as much as possible and not allow any sudden movements.
Everyone pretty much knows the general dir- ection of his or her flow – in other words, where they are going. For example, now I am studying, later I will get a job, have a family, work my way up the employment ladder, build my house and so forth. Many make a lot of mistakes on their way and complain, when looking back. But you can’t do any- thing about it, what’s done is done. The flow has moved you far away from your desired goal. Your reasoning mind cannot save you. It only remains to regret that “if I had only known where I would fall, I would have put there something soft to land on”.
Everyone wants to know what is waiting for him or her after the next turn. Not everyone is seriously going to see fortune-tellers or as- trologers, but many are interested in them, at least out of curiosity. An optimistic astro- logical forecast or prediction lights a spark of hope. And when you get unwanted predic- tions, you can always wave them away. The Transurfing model does not contradict astro- logy. Predictions have a real foundation to them – the space of variations. Astrology ex- ists not only because people are curious about the future. If the hit rate was too low, no one would rely on these short-lived pre- dictions. However, the fact that the flow of variations exists in accordance with certain patterns, allows us to glance at the unrealized sectors of space. It is quite another matter that astrological calculations are, of course, unable to guarantee their predictions to be a hundred percent accurate and the same goes for clairvoyants.
Everybody decides for themselves, how much they should rely on forecasts and as- trological predictions. Respectfully, we will leave this subject aside and we’ll look at the useful points that can be extracted from knowing about the flow of variations. The main question is how much we can sur- render ourselves wholly to the flow, if we have chosen the main direction correctly, and why should we surrender ourselves to the flow at all?
As previously shown, the mind is constantly under the pressure of artificially created im- portance and, therefore, it cannot make any efficient decisions. Internal and external im- portance is, in essence, the main source of problems. The action of balancing forces manifests itself as rapids and whirlpools on the way through the flow. If you throw off importance, the flow will turn into a much calmer river-bed. The question of whether one should surrender oneself to the flow is also a question of importance. External importance forces the mind to look for complicated solutions to simple problems. Inner importance convinces the mind that it is reasoning soundly and that it is making the only possible correct decision.
If we were to throw importance away, the mind could breathe freely, because it would be released from the influence of pendulums and the pressure of artificially created prob- lems. It could make more objective and ad- equate decisions. But the whole beauty of this lies in the fact that the mind won’t need great intellect, once it is freed from import- ance. Of course, for solving everyday prob- lems you would need logical thinking, knowledge and analytical ability. But all of this won’t require as much energy. The fact that the flow of variations exists is a luxuri- ous gift for the mind, which hardly ever uses it.
The flow of variations already contains the solutions to all problems. And what’s more, the majority of all problems are artificially created by the mind anyway. The restless mind is constantly experiencing the shoves of pendulums and takes on solving all of the problems at the same time, while trying to keep the situation under control. Its strong- willed decisions are in most cases just point- less slapping of the water. The majority of problems, especially the small ones, solve themselves, if we don’t disturb the flow of variations.
A great intellect is of no use, if the solution already exists in space. If we don’t go into a maze and don’t interfere with the flow of variations, a solution will come by itself. And what’s more, it will be the most optimal solution. Optimality already lies in the structure of the information field. The thing is that cause-and-effect chains create separate streams in the flow of variations. These streams appear to be the most optimal ways in which causes and effects move. Everything exists in the space of variations, but only the optimal or the least energy-consuming variations are more likely to be realized. Nature does not waste energy for nothing. People walk on legs and not on ears. All processes strive to go along the way of least energy expenditure. Therefore, the streams of variations are organized along the path of least resistance. And it is precisely there the most optimal solutions lie. The mind, captured by pendulums, acts in their interests and is constantly getting out of the optimal streams. In other words, the mind is getting into a maze – it is looking for complicated solutions to simple problems.
All this reasoning may appear to you as be- ing excessively abstract. But you could test just how real these streams are, by applying some of the principles described in this chapter. It is truly a luxurious gift for the mind. Any problem contains coded keys to its solution. The very first key is to move along the path of least resistance. People usually look for complicated solutions, be- cause they perceive problems as obstacles. And obstacles, as you know, must be over- come with a great amount of effort. We must cultivate the habit of choosing the simplest solution to the problem that comes up.
We all have to either learn something new, or to do something that is already familiar and customary to us. The question is how can we do both the one and the other in the most effective way? The answer is so simple, that it’s really hard to believe: in accordance with the principle of going with the flow, you must try and do everything in the easiest and simplest way possible.
The most optimal variations of any actions are organized in streams. Chains of optimal cause-and-effect links form these streams. When you are making the decision to take the next step in your action, you are choosing the next link in the chain. You just need to determine which link belongs to the stream. What does a person usually do in a case like that? He makes a logical decision, which from the point of view of common sense and everyday experience appears to be the most correct one.
The mind makes a strong-willed decision. It thinks it is able to calculate and explain everything. However, this is not the case – you can probably confirm yourself, how many times you suddenly remembered that something could be done differently, only too late. The problem is not that the mind is inattentive or it isn’t sharp enough. The mind cannot always choose the optimal variation because the cause-and-effect chains of the flow don’t always match the mind’s logical constructions.
No matter how hard you try, you will rarely choose the optimal action if you only use lo- gical conclusions. The mind is usually under the pressure of stress, troubles, depression or increased activity. In other words, pendu- lums are constantly pulling at it. Therefore, the mind is always acting forcefully and mounts a frontal attack upon the external world.
In order to choose the next chain of the flow, we need only to free ourselves from the strings of the pendulum and just obediently follow that stream. That is, we should take the balanced position and not create excess potential. In order to not create excess potential, we need to constantly monitor the level of importance.
When you are in a state of balance with the surrounding world, simply go with the flow. You will see a multitude of signs that will guide you. Let go of the situation, don’t be- come a participant, but the observing bystander. Not a slave, and not the master, but simply someone who performs actions. Order your Overseer to pull you back whenever your mind tries to make a “reasonable” strong-willed decision. Rent yourself out as a performer, while observing the work from the sidelines. Everything is a lot easier than it seems. Yield to this simpli- city. It is the mind that brings you to a wa- terfall, not the flow of variations.
For example, you have to find something you really need in a shop. But you don’t know ex- actly where this thing is. The mind will suggest the most reasonable, but often the most complicated option. You’ve gone round half the city, but in the end you find that item in a shop close to your house. If the importance of the problem had been lower, the mind would not have looked for a complicated solution.
Here’s another example. There is an entire to-do list in your hands. What should you choose to do first and what later? You don’t have to think about it. If following a specific order is not a principle you have – simply do the things you feel like doing. Move together with the flow; untie your mind from the in- fluence of the pendulums. We’re not talking about turning into a spineless little paper boat on the waves, but we’re talking about not slapping the water with your hands, when it is quite enough with strokes that are smooth, light and easy.
I won’t continue the list of examples. You’ll make a lot of useful and amazing discoveries, if you at least for the course of one day try to go with the flow. Each time, as soon as you need to find some sort of solution, ask your- self: what’s the simplest way of looking for the solution? Choose the simplest method of looking for any solution. Whenever someone or something distracts you or leads you astray, don’t be in a hurry to actively resist or avoid it. Try to rent yourself out, and watch what happens next. Every time you need to do something, ask yourself: what is the simplest way to do this? Allow things to hap- pen in the simplest way. Every time, when someone suggests something to you or shows you their point of view, don’t be in a hurry to reject it or have an argument. Maybe your mind doesn’t understand its advantages and doesn’t see any alternatives. Activate the Overseer. At first, observe – and only then, act. Go down to the auditorium and don’t be in a hurry to establish control over the situation. Allow the game to develop as much as possible on its own, under your observation. Don’t go slapping the water with your hands. Don’t prevent your life from going with the flow, and you will see how much easier it gets.
Part 34
The Flow of Variations: Going with the Flow
The Asker and the Offended unwillingly go with the flow of life. The Warrior, on the other hand, tries to fight against the flow. Of course, there are no pure types of these people. From time to time, everybody to a certain degree takes on one of the roles. Playing these parts, a man is acting extremely inefficiently. But if we can’t struggle, nor go with the flow, what is there left for us to do?
Earlier we saw how the mind authoritatively dictates its own will, based on common sense. Many people reason very sensibly, but at the same time get nowhere in solving their problems. What is then the great use of such common sense? The mind cannot guarantee that its solution will be foolproof. The mind only thinks that it is reasoning sensibly, when in fact it is actually offering itself to pendulums. There can be no talk of freedom in moving along the flow while a man is play- ing the part of the Asker, the Offended, or the Warrior. Even the Warrior has the same amount of freedom to express his will as has a little paper boat.
How does the Warrior move with the flow of life? Pendulums provoke him into a fight with them, and he swims against the current, not understanding that it would be easier and more advantageous to use the flow. His mind is captured by pendulums, but the Warrior is resolutely set for battle and, by making resolute decisions, he is whipping the water with all his might, when calm and smooth movements would have been enough. And now imagine that you are not resisting the flow and you are not causing any extra turbulence, but neither are you going with the flow without any will like a little paper boat. You are intentionally moving in agreement with the flow, you note the shoals on the way, the barriers and dangerous areas, and only by using smooth movements are you able to keep your chosen direction. You are the one standing at the steering wheel.
But can we actually look at life as a flow? And why can we neither swim without any will, nor resist the flow? On the one hand, the information that lies in the space of vari- ations is stationary, like a matrix. But at the same time, the information’s structure is or- ganized into chains of cause-and-effect. These give birth to the flow of variations – and that is the flow we are about to discuss.
The main reason it is not worth actively op- posing the current, is that it is a massive, useless, and even harmful waste of energy. But can one rely on the flow of variations? After all, it can lead you not only to a peaceful lagoon, but also to a waterfall. This is precisely why, to avoid unpleasantness, you must correct your movements with calm, even strokes. Of course, to begin, you must correctly choose the general direction of this flow. The direction is determined by your chosen goal and the means for its attainment. After the direction has been chosen, you must rely on the flow as much as possible and not allow any sudden movements.
Everyone pretty much knows the general dir- ection of his or her flow – in other words, where they are going. For example, now I am studying, later I will get a job, have a family, work my way up the employment ladder, build my house and so forth. Many make a lot of mistakes on their way and complain, when looking back. But you can’t do any- thing about it, what’s done is done. The flow has moved you far away from your desired goal. Your reasoning mind cannot save you. It only remains to regret that “if I had only known where I would fall, I would have put there something soft to land on”.
Everyone wants to know what is waiting for him or her after the next turn. Not everyone is seriously going to see fortune-tellers or as- trologers, but many are interested in them, at least out of curiosity. An optimistic astro- logical forecast or prediction lights a spark of hope. And when you get unwanted predic- tions, you can always wave them away. The Transurfing model does not contradict astro- logy. Predictions have a real foundation to them – the space of variations. Astrology ex- ists not only because people are curious about the future. If the hit rate was too low, no one would rely on these short-lived pre- dictions. However, the fact that the flow of variations exists in accordance with certain patterns, allows us to glance at the unrealized sectors of space. It is quite another matter that astrological calculations are, of course, unable to guarantee their predictions to be a hundred percent accurate and the same goes for clairvoyants.
Everybody decides for themselves, how much they should rely on forecasts and as- trological predictions. Respectfully, we will leave this subject aside and we’ll look at the useful points that can be extracted from knowing about the flow of variations. The main question is how much we can sur- render ourselves wholly to the flow, if we have chosen the main direction correctly, and why should we surrender ourselves to the flow at all?
As previously shown, the mind is constantly under the pressure of artificially created im- portance and, therefore, it cannot make any efficient decisions. Internal and external im- portance is, in essence, the main source of problems. The action of balancing forces manifests itself as rapids and whirlpools on the way through the flow. If you throw off importance, the flow will turn into a much calmer river-bed. The question of whether one should surrender oneself to the flow is also a question of importance. External importance forces the mind to look for complicated solutions to simple problems. Inner importance convinces the mind that it is reasoning soundly and that it is making the only possible correct decision.
If we were to throw importance away, the mind could breathe freely, because it would be released from the influence of pendulums and the pressure of artificially created prob- lems. It could make more objective and ad- equate decisions. But the whole beauty of this lies in the fact that the mind won’t need great intellect, once it is freed from import- ance. Of course, for solving everyday prob- lems you would need logical thinking, knowledge and analytical ability. But all of this won’t require as much energy. The fact that the flow of variations exists is a luxuri- ous gift for the mind, which hardly ever uses it.
The flow of variations already contains the solutions to all problems. And what’s more, the majority of all problems are artificially created by the mind anyway. The restless mind is constantly experiencing the shoves of pendulums and takes on solving all of the problems at the same time, while trying to keep the situation under control. Its strong- willed decisions are in most cases just point- less slapping of the water. The majority of problems, especially the small ones, solve themselves, if we don’t disturb the flow of variations.
A great intellect is of no use, if the solution already exists in space. If we don’t go into a maze and don’t interfere with the flow of variations, a solution will come by itself. And what’s more, it will be the most optimal solution. Optimality already lies in the structure of the information field. The thing is that cause-and-effect chains create separate streams in the flow of variations. These streams appear to be the most optimal ways in which causes and effects move. Everything exists in the space of variations, but only the optimal or the least energy-consuming variations are more likely to be realized. Nature does not waste energy for nothing. People walk on legs and not on ears. All processes strive to go along the way of least energy expenditure. Therefore, the streams of variations are organized along the path of least resistance. And it is precisely there the most optimal solutions lie. The mind, captured by pendulums, acts in their interests and is constantly getting out of the optimal streams. In other words, the mind is getting into a maze – it is looking for complicated solutions to simple problems.
All this reasoning may appear to you as be- ing excessively abstract. But you could test just how real these streams are, by applying some of the principles described in this chapter. It is truly a luxurious gift for the mind. Any problem contains coded keys to its solution. The very first key is to move along the path of least resistance. People usually look for complicated solutions, be- cause they perceive problems as obstacles. And obstacles, as you know, must be over- come with a great amount of effort. We must cultivate the habit of choosing the simplest solution to the problem that comes up.
We all have to either learn something new, or to do something that is already familiar and customary to us. The question is how can we do both the one and the other in the most effective way? The answer is so simple, that it’s really hard to believe: in accordance with the principle of going with the flow, you must try and do everything in the easiest and simplest way possible.
The most optimal variations of any actions are organized in streams. Chains of optimal cause-and-effect links form these streams. When you are making the decision to take the next step in your action, you are choosing the next link in the chain. You just need to determine which link belongs to the stream. What does a person usually do in a case like that? He makes a logical decision, which from the point of view of common sense and everyday experience appears to be the most correct one.
The mind makes a strong-willed decision. It thinks it is able to calculate and explain everything. However, this is not the case – you can probably confirm yourself, how many times you suddenly remembered that something could be done differently, only too late. The problem is not that the mind is inattentive or it isn’t sharp enough. The mind cannot always choose the optimal variation because the cause-and-effect chains of the flow don’t always match the mind’s logical constructions.
No matter how hard you try, you will rarely choose the optimal action if you only use lo- gical conclusions. The mind is usually under the pressure of stress, troubles, depression or increased activity. In other words, pendu- lums are constantly pulling at it. Therefore, the mind is always acting forcefully and mounts a frontal attack upon the external world.
In order to choose the next chain of the flow, we need only to free ourselves from the strings of the pendulum and just obediently follow that stream. That is, we should take the balanced position and not create excess potential. In order to not create excess potential, we need to constantly monitor the level of importance.
When you are in a state of balance with the surrounding world, simply go with the flow. You will see a multitude of signs that will guide you. Let go of the situation, don’t be- come a participant, but the observing bystander. Not a slave, and not the master, but simply someone who performs actions. Order your Overseer to pull you back whenever your mind tries to make a “reasonable” strong-willed decision. Rent yourself out as a performer, while observing the work from the sidelines. Everything is a lot easier than it seems. Yield to this simpli- city. It is the mind that brings you to a wa- terfall, not the flow of variations.
For example, you have to find something you really need in a shop. But you don’t know ex- actly where this thing is. The mind will suggest the most reasonable, but often the most complicated option. You’ve gone round half the city, but in the end you find that item in a shop close to your house. If the importance of the problem had been lower, the mind would not have looked for a complicated solution.
Here’s another example. There is an entire to-do list in your hands. What should you choose to do first and what later? You don’t have to think about it. If following a specific order is not a principle you have – simply do the things you feel like doing. Move together with the flow; untie your mind from the in- fluence of the pendulums. We’re not talking about turning into a spineless little paper boat on the waves, but we’re talking about not slapping the water with your hands, when it is quite enough with strokes that are smooth, light and easy.
I won’t continue the list of examples. You’ll make a lot of useful and amazing discoveries, if you at least for the course of one day try to go with the flow. Each time, as soon as you need to find some sort of solution, ask your- self: what’s the simplest way of looking for the solution? Choose the simplest method of looking for any solution. Whenever someone or something distracts you or leads you astray, don’t be in a hurry to actively resist or avoid it. Try to rent yourself out, and watch what happens next. Every time you need to do something, ask yourself: what is the simplest way to do this? Allow things to hap- pen in the simplest way. Every time, when someone suggests something to you or shows you their point of view, don’t be in a hurry to reject it or have an argument. Maybe your mind doesn’t understand its advantages and doesn’t see any alternatives. Activate the Overseer. At first, observe – and only then, act. Go down to the auditorium and don’t be in a hurry to establish control over the situation. Allow the game to develop as much as possible on its own, under your observation. Don’t go slapping the water with your hands. Don’t prevent your life from going with the flow, and you will see how much easier it gets.
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