Part 22
Excess Potentials: The Desire to Have and Not to Have
“If you want a lot – you’ll only get a little.” This little children’s taunt has some truth to it. Only, I would re-phrase it this way: “The more you want, the less you’ll get.” When you want something so much that you are ready to risk everything you have in order to get it, you are creating a huge excess poten- tial, which upsets the balance. The balancing forces will throw you onto a life track where the desired object doesn’t exist at all.
If we were to describe what the behavior of a man that is obsessed with desire looks like on the energy level, it would be something like this. A wild boar is trying to catch a blue bird. He wants the bird so badly that he is even drooling just thinking about it, loudly snorting and rootling about impatiently. Naturally, the bird flies away. If the hunter had simply been strolling nearby the bird, not paying any attention to it, he would have had a pretty good chance of grabbing it by the tail.
We could highlight three forms of desire. The first form is when a strong desire turns into a strong determination to have what is desired and to act accordingly. Then the desire is ful- filled. Moreover, the potential of the desire disperses into space, because its energy is spent on performing the action. The second form is the inactive, tormenting desire, which represents excess potential in its purest form. It hangs there in the energy field and, in the best case, it is simply wast- ing the energy of the sufferer, while in the worst case, attracts all kinds of problems.
The third form of desire, when a strong de- sire turns into dependence from the object of that desire, is the most insidious one. Attach- ing great significance to the desired object automatically creates a dependent relation- ship, which gives rise to a strong excess potential. And a strong excess potential will automatically summon balancing forces just as strong to extinguish it. Usually, people make up following conditions: “If I achieve this, my situation will improve dramatically”, “If I don’t achieve this, my life will lose all meaning”, “If I do this, I’ll show myself and everybody else what I’m worth”, “If I don’t do this, I’m worthless”, “If I could get this, it would be great”, “If I don’t get this, it will be very bad”. And so on.
Once you become dependent of the object of your desire, you are drawn into such a viol- ent whirlpool that you would simply get ex- hausted struggling to possess that object. In the end, you will not achieve anything and you will just abandon your desire. The bal- ance is restored and the balancing forces are absolutely indifferent to your suffering in this situation. And all of this happened just because of your strong need to have that de- sire fulfilled. The desire remained on one side of the scales while everything else was on the other.
Your wish can be granted only if it takes on the first form, when the desire is trans- formed into pure intention, free from excess potential. We are all used to paying for everything in this world nothing is free. But, in reality, we are only paying off our debts from excess potential that we created ourselves. Everything is free in the space of variations. Since we are already using these terms, then we can treat the absence of im- portance and dependent relationships as a kind of payment. You can only buy “fulfilled wishes” using this payment. To transfer to a life track where the desired object is trans- formed into reality, the only thing necessary is the energy of pure intention. We’ll talk about intention later. Now, we’ll only note that pure intention is the desire and action combined into one without any excess importance. For example, your unrestricted intention to go down to the local newspaper
stand for a magazine is pure intention.
The more you value a certain event, the more likely it is that things will fail or go wrong. If you attribute great importance to what you have, and cherish it dearly, then the balan- cing forces will most probably take it away. If what you want to have is way too important for you, then don’t be hoping to get it. It’s ne- cessary to lower the bar of significance, the bar of importance.
For example, you’ve got a brand new car and you’re absolutely crazy about it: you blow off little specks of dust, you take care of it, pro- tect it carefully, you’re terrified of any pos- sible little scratch – basically, you adore and worship your car. As a result, an excess po- tential is created. After all, you were the one to attribute such great importance to your car. But in fact, its importance is equal to zero on the energy plane. And unfortunately, as a result, the balancing forces will soon find some schmuck to smash up your car. Or, being overly careful yourself, you will bump into something or other. Once you simply stop worshiping your car and start treating it like an ordinary object then the risk of something happening to it will be significantly minimized. Treating something like an ordinary object doesn’t at all mean to neglect it or to be careless. You could be taking perfect care of your car, without making an idol out of it.
The desire to have something has yet another aspect to it. There is the opinion that if you want something very badly, then you can get whatever you want. It could seem that a very strong desire would bring you onto a life track where it would be fulfilled. However, that is not the case. If your desire has trans- formed into dependence, into some kind of psychosis or you are hysterically striving to obtain something, regardless of the cost, then somewhere deep down inside you, you don’t believe in the fulfillment of your desire. Consequently, you are transmitting thought energy with “strong interference.” If you don’t believe in the fulfillment of your desire, you will try as hard as you can to convince yourself that the opposite is true. Hence, you are forcing the excess potential even higher. There is a risk of spending your entire existence on your “life-work”. The only thing to be done in this case is to reduce the significance of your aim. Go for it, in the same way as if you would go to a newspaper stand for a magazine.
A strong desire to avoid something is a logic- al continuation of your dissatisfaction with the surrounding world or yourself. The stronger the need, the more powerful the excess potential will be. The more you don’t want something, the more likely it is that you will be confronted with it. The balancing forces are indifferent to the way the balance is achieved. And there are two ways of achieving the balance: one is to either get you away from whatever it is you are trying to avoid, the other way is to force you to get into contact with it. It’s better to consciously stop trying to avoid it, so that no excess potential is created. But that’s not all there is to it. When you are thinking about what you don’t want, you are emanating energy on the track where it will definitely happen. You always get what you actively don’t want.
Here is an example to illustrate what actually happens when you actively don’t want something. A man is attending a grand reception at the embassy, where everything is pompous, refined and delicate. Then sud- denly the man begins waving his hands wildly about, stamping his feet and screaming desperately that he doesn’t want to be taken out of here this very moment.
Naturally, security guys appear and grab the weird fellow, who is resisting and crying, but he is nonetheless escorted out immediately. This is, of course, a rather exaggerated picture of reality, but on the energy level this is exactly what happens, down to the intensity
and proportions of the forces involved.
Let’s look at one more example. Suppose that in the middle of the night you wake up from the noise your neighbors are making. You really want to sleep, you have to go to work tomorrow, but it seems like your neighbor’s party is just getting started. The more you would want them to shut up, the more likely it is that the party will go on. The angrier you’ll get the more violent and noisy the party will become. If you start hating them to a certain degree, it’s guaranteed that such nights will be more and more frequent. To solve this problem, you can apply the meth- od of making the pendulum fall through or extinguishing it. You will extinguish the pendulum if you’ll see the situation as ironic. And you could also simply ignore the situation, without displaying any emotion or interest in it. Then the pendulum will fall through and no potential will be created. Take comfort in the awareness that you have a choice and you know how to use it. Soon the neighbours will settle down. This is how it all works, so you can go ahead and test it.
Now you are able to analyze any past situ- ation and determine whether you overestim- ated the significance of something and what problems you’ve gotten as a result. If things are absolutely terrible, never mind the over- estimated significance for now, shake off your dependent attitude and start persist- ently transmitting some positive energy. The worse it is now, the better. This is how you could assess the situation if you feel that you’ve suffered a great defeat. Be happy! In this situation, the balancing forces are on your side because their job is to compensate bad with good. It can’t be bad all the time, just as it can’t be good all the time. No one can spend their whole life flying on the wave of happiness. So, this is what a really bad situation would look like on the energy level, if you started to make some conscious changes: you were attacked, cursed at, everything you had on you was taken, you got beaten up, then all of the sudden you were given a bag full of money. The greater your loss was, the more money you’ll find in the bag.
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