What do I think of "rape culture" and how to stop it? Well, stop getting drunk and intoxicated in other ways and then the unwanted hook-ups and "rapes" will dramatically decrease to almost zero, because, statistically, it is 99% in this kind of environment, under intoxication, that rape happens (and not a random pervert jumping out of the bush while you are walking your dog), and without generous loads of alcohol and/or other mind-altering substances taking place first, no woman in her right, sober mind would spread her legs to a guy who she doesn't really like and/or is not planning to have a relationship with or would pass out and be raped while not even being aware of it. (I'm not blaming the victim, but if we are looking for a real solution and not just trying to assign blame, that would be the first and most effective one!) And men too, while intoxicated, lose self-control and become more driven and subject to their instincts, just because of how alcohol directly affects the brain causing a loss of inhibition. It is alcohol and other mind-altering substances that are primary causes of this rape culture, not lack of education or anything else! But of course, the alcohol companies will do anything to divert the attention from the real issue and cause, and try to prove to the policy-makers that it is anything but the intoxication (and the inherent loss of inhibition and deterioration of the decision-making abilities that follow) that cause unwanted sex. They will provide all kinds of straw-men like "lack of education and understanding around consent", "lack of awareness" ( what kind of "understanding" and "awareness" are you talking about, when a person is intoxicated out of their mind?) all while encouraging the bar- and pub-culture, portraying alcohol as nothing but a mild social lubricant and bars and pubs as just benign, friendly places to socialize) in place of the one and most obvious leading cause, which is their encouragement of people to get intoxicated and lose control!
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