Part 29
The Funnel of the Pendulum
The psyche of a man works in the following way – it reacts more to negative irritants. These could be undesired information, hos- tile actions, danger or simply negative en- ergy. Of course, positive influences can also stir up strong emotions. But fear and rage by far excel joy and happiness in strength. The reason for this inequality comes from an- cient times, when fear and rage were the cru- cial factors for survival. What is useful about joy in a context like that? It won’t help to de- fend oneself nor will it help to avoid danger or to get food. And then, of course, life was filled with burdens and hardship throughout the entire history of man, and brought more grief and fear than joy and happiness. This was the origin of man’s tendency to more easily yield to gloomy thoughts and depression, while joy and happiness vanishes rather quickly. Have you ever heard, for example, of a normal person suffering from too much joy? However, people suffer from stress and depression quite often.
Pendulums and, in particular, the mass me- dia, actively make use of these peculiar fea- tures of human perception. You rarely hear anything good in the news. Usually, in a news program, it works something like this: you get hold of a negative fact, you follow up on the story with extra coverage, new details emerge, and everything is thoroughly savored and dramatized in a number of ways.
By the very same principle, we are presented with other news: catastrophes, natural dis- asters, terrorist acts, armed conflicts and so on. Notice the pattern at work here. Events develop in a spiral-like manner: in the beginning there is the plot, then the story is unraveled, exposing further details, the tension is rising, then there is a culmination, emotions are already flaring to their maximum, and finally, the story comes to a conclusion – all of the energy is dissolved into space, and a temporary calm descends upon the viewers. Remember how the waves beat against the shore. The endless numbers of TV series are made by the very same principle. From an objective point of view, there is nothing special about them, all the “drama” is literally created out of thin air. Nevertheless, all you have to do is watch two or three episodes... and you’re hooked. Why? After all, nothing particularly interesting ever happens in these soap operas. But you’re hooked be- cause the frequency of thought radiation is caught by the pendulum of the TV series, and your attention is becomes fixed on a given sector.
Let’s look at the mechanism that is respons- ible for the unwinding of the above-men- tioned spiral. At the beginning, a man is con- fronted with the fact that could theoretically upset him – or not. Let’s suppose that it’s a piece of news about a negative event that took place somewhere in another country. This is the first push of the destructive pen- dulum. If the news somehow affects the per- son, he starts responding to the stimulus: he expresses his attitude to it, he lives through it. Meaning that in response, he is radiating energy of the same order and on the very same frequency as the first push of the pen- dulum. This person, just like many thou- sands of others, answered the pendulum with interest and participation. The radiation enters into resonance with the pendulum and thus, its energy has increased. The mass media continues its campaign. The man follows further development of events with interest, so the pendulum once again receives nourishment. This is how the pendulum entices adherents into its own net and keeps pumping energy from them. People that were interested in this piece of news al- low negative energy to get to them, and thus they get involved in the game, as observers for the time being.
At first glance, nothing extraordinary has happened, it’s an everyday matter. So what if a man gives a bit of his energy to feed a de- structive pendulum? It practically hasn’t af- fected his health. However, in reality, radiat- ing energy at the frequency of negative events, a man is moving to the life tracks where similar events will take place closer and closer to him. He takes part in the cre- ation of the plot and finds himself in the ac- tion zone of the spiral, which is unwinding, spinning faster and faster, drawing him in, like a funnel. The interaction between the man and the pendulum becomes tighter and tighter, and the man already accepts the above mentioned event to be an unavoidable part of his life. His attention becomes selective and everywhere new facts about similar events in different countries start popping up. The man discusses this news with his close friends and relatives, and they react with interest and compassion. The energy of the pendulum is growing, while the man is getting closer, by the frequency of his radiation, to the tracks where he is no longer an observer, but a direct participant in the event.
Let’s define that phenomenon of being drawn into the funnel as an induced trans- ition to a life track where the adherent be- comes a victim of the destructive pendulum. The following process can be identified as an induced transition: you respond to the push of a destructive pendulum, the pendulum pushes back giving you a little energy from its swinging, and you get further and further involved, giving more and more energy to the pendulum. Consequently, an induced transition has been initiated, taking you to a life track that is by its frequency close to the swings of the pendulum. As a result, the negative event is included in the layer of this person’s life.
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