
Monday, 30 January 2017

Transurfing. Part 12. The Wave of Success.

Part 12.
The Wave of Success

Metaphors such as “The Blue Bird of Happiness” and “The Wheel of Fortune” have quite a material basis. It is well known that success and failure follow one another, like bad days and good days. How do we exclude bad days from our lives?
Your thoughts are coming back to you like a boomerang.

Now it’s time to check your homework. What pendulums could be called constructive? The answer is - none. It may sound like a paradox, but that is really the case. Don’t be of- fended, dear Reader, the question was meant to be provocative. The main and only goal of any pendulum is to get energy from its ad- herents. If it can’t get any energy, it will stop.
A pendulum can only be constructive to it- self, but never to you. What is so constructive or creative about something that takes en- ergy from you? Of course, different pendu- lums are destructive to different degrees. For example, it’s hard to imagine that a beach volleyball club would take up arms against a club of ice swimming enthusiasts. Then again, a volleyball membership could never really ruin your life. However, the pendulum of the volleyball club is also feeding on energy from its adherents, and if they get bored with playing beach volleyball, the club will die. But this is nothing compared to being a gang member, where your freedom and even your life could be taken away.
You could object: if I go to a fitness club where I am only focusing on myself, then how can I be giving away energy to the pen- dulum? It doesn’t matter if you are only fo- cused on yourself or not, you are still re- quired to follow certain rules in the fitness club. You can do whatever you want back at your own place, but at the fitness club, all members are acting in the same way by following the rules established by the system, and thus they give away collective energy to the pendulum of the fitness club. If all mem- bers of the club would run away, the pendu- lum would no longer receive any energy, and so it would stop.

The Wave of Success: The Antipode of a Pendulum
You could ask the question in a different way: are there energy structures that don’t need your energy? Actually, there are. One of them is the wave of success or a coincidence that is fortunate for you personally. Every person has his own waves of success. It is of- ten the case that you have a little luck and then comes an entire wave of other pleasant and unexpected events. As if you’re having a run of good luck in your life. Waves such as this don’t appear every day, only if you were pleasantly surprised and got into a good mood the first time.
“The Wheel of Fortune” and “The Blue Bird of Happiness” are not just abstract meta- phors. The wave of success is basically an ac- cumulation of life tracks. Everything can be found in the space of variations, including these gold veins. If you’ve found the outer line of such a gold vein and caught some luck, you could automatically glide on to oth- er lines of accumulated fortune, where new lucky circumstances await you. But if, after your first success, bad luck rears its ugly head again, it means a destructive pendulum has led you away from the gold vein.
The wave of success brings happiness without taking any of your energy. It can be compared to an ocean wave that carries an exhausted swimmer to the shore. The wave of success transfers you to your happy life tracks. The wave, just like a pendulum, couldn’t care less about your fate, but it doesn’t need your energy either. If you want to – get on the wave and swim with it, if you don’t want to – the wave will pass you by without feeling sorry for you. The wave of success is a temporary structure, as it doesn’t feed on the energy of others. Therefore, it will eventually fade out, kind of like the ocean waves crashing on the shore.
The wave of success could appear in the form of good news. It carries information from
other life tracks. These echoes are interpreted on the current life track as good news. Your task is to grab on to this fine thread and pull yourself up to the life track where the good news came from. That life track will now not only have good news for you, but
fortunate circumstances as well.
It may seem that the wave of success comes and goes. In fact this wave doesn’t move at all, it doesn’t gather any energy and it doesn’t get weaker. We adopted the term “wave” in our model just to make it easier to understand. As mentioned, the wave of suc- cess is static in the space of variations, as an accumulation of favorable tracks. You are the one moving from one life track to another, so to you this “vein” appears as a wave because you grab it, by letting it into your life, or you get further away from it, carried away by the pendulums.
The wave is not interested in you and it is therefore easy to miss - it will pass you by and won’t come back. This has given rise to the general belief that the blue bird of happiness is difficult to catch. In reality, you don’t have to make any effort in order to surf this wave. It’s all only a matter of choice. If you welcome the wave into your life, it will be with you. If you give in to the influence of destructive pendulums and get yourself imbued with their negative energy, you will move away from the wave of success. That is how people always act: “we don’t treasure what we have until it’s gone”. The bird of happiness doesn’t mind at all pecking seeds from your hand. You don’t have to catch it. As long as you don’t chase it away, it will be more than enough.
This is one of the most paradoxical features of the freedom of choice. People can actually choose happiness and success for them- selves. And at the same time they’re not free from pendulums that carry people away from the wave of success. We are yet again return- ing to our previous topic. In order to get the freedom of choice for yourself, it is necessary to reject dependence on pendulums . We have also the right to be free from the influence of pendulums that are not “ours”. Only one thing remains - to find out how we can obtain these rights. 

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