
Monday 30 January 2017

Transurfing. Part 31. The Funnel of the Pendulum: Poverty. Summary.

Part 31
The Funnel of the Pendulum: Poverty
If we are to think logically, how can a simple man who was born in the slums get rich? We won’t look at the criminal way of doing it or at beautiful stories about people becoming millionaires overnight. So, reasoning based on common sense won’t lead us to any co- herent conclusion. Then what is the use of ordinary logic to you? Transurfing can’t be put into the frame of common sense; but then again, it allows you to do what appears to be impossible.
Acting logically, people get the correspond- ing result. If a man was born in poverty, he will find himself in poor surroundings. Thus, he is accustomed to it and is tuned to the en- ergy radiation at the frequency of his own miserable life. It will be very difficult to move over onto a track of prosperity, if you feel only hatred toward your own poverty, envy toward the wealthy, and your own desire to become well-off. Or actually, no, I would say that having only these three things at your disposal, moving over to a track where you are wealthy would be practically impossible.
Let’s take a look at why that is.
Probably one of the first discoveries all chil- dren make, when coming into this life, is the following: the fact that you don’t want something, doesn’t yet mean that you will be free of it. Sometimes, the soul simply cries out in despair: “But I don’t want that! I simply hate it! Why won’t it leave me in peace? Why is this always happening to me?”
In a fit of indignation, not only children, but also adults ask themselves a similar ques- tion. It is really difficult to accept the follow- ing situation: if you don’t want something, it will nonetheless happen. And if you hate it, then it will follow you wherever you go. You can hate your poverty, your work, your physical flaws, your neighbours, the bums on the street, alcoholics, drug addicts, dogs, thieves, criminals, the impudent young, the government... The more you hate something, the more you will encounter it in life. And you already know why. It gets to you, you think about it, and that means you emanate on the frequency of a life track where the thing you don’t want exists in abundance. It’s not important what polarization this radiation takes: “like it” or “don’t like it.” The second is even more effective, because the emotions are stronger. On the other hand, everything that is unpleasant to you would be to you a destructive pendulum, and that’s why you swing the pendulum even higher with your own emotional suffering. And finally, if you actively hate it, it means you are creating an excess potential. The balancing forces will be directed against you, because it’s easier for them to eliminate one opponent than to change the world that doesn’t suit someone. See how many harmful factors there are in a negative attitude towards life!
Let’s return to the man who was born in poverty. He has a dream to get rich. But one desire alone, as you know, won’t change any- thing. You could be lounging on your sofa and lazily thinking: “It would be nice with a bowl of strawberries. But where can I get some? It’s impossible, because it’s winter now.” In practically the same way, a poor person is dreaming of getting rich.
If a man is not ready to act in order to get what he wants, he won’t get it. And he doesn’t act, because he is convinced that it doesn’t matter, because nothing good will come of it. That’s a vicious circle for you. Desire itself doesn’t have any power. It can’t even lift a finger. It is your intention, your readiness to act that is responsible for lifting the finger. Intention also includes the readi- ness to have. A man could say, “Well, I’m really ready to have some riches! It is so simple after all, I do want to become rich!”
No. Again, there is a deep abyss between “to want” and “to be ready to have”. For example, a poor person feels “like a fish out of water” in a rich environment or in an ex- pensive shop, even if he tries with all his might to convince himself and others of the opposite. In the depths of his soul, he feels that he is not worthy of any of this. Riches don’t enter the poor fellow’s zone of comfort, and not because being rich is uncomfortable, but because he is too far away from all this. A new armchair is better, but then the old one is more comfortable.
A poor person only sees the external side of wealth: luxurious houses, expensive cars, decorations, clubs... If you were to put a poor person in such an environment, he would feel uncomfortable. And if you were to give him a suitcase full of money, he would start doing all sorts of stupid things and in the end, he would lose everything. The frequency of energy, which he transmits, is in sharp dissonance with a wealthy life. And until the poor person puts the attributes of wealth in his comfort zone, until he learns how to feel as the owner of expensive things, he will remain poor, even if he finds buried treasure.
Yet another obstacle on the way to wealth is envy, because, as you know, to envy someone means to be annoyed with his or her success. In this sense, there is nothing constructive about envy. Moreover, envy has one very strong, destructive element. A man’s psyche works in the following way: if he envies something that he would want to have, then he tries to devalue it in every possible way. Here is the logic behind the concept of “be- ing green with envy”: “I envy what he has. I don’t have it and I’ll probably never have it. But how am I worse than him? So, the thing he owns is lousy and I need it like a fish needs a bicycle.”
This is how desire to have becomes a psycho- logical defense and then turns into rejection. Rejection takes place on the subtle level, because the subconscious understands everything literally. Consciousness devalues the object of envy only for show, to calm it- self, while the subconscious takes everything seriously. And here it does more harm than good, doing everything in its power so that the man won’t get the devalued and rejected thing.
Thus, you can see what tenacious forces hold a person on a poor life track. Events unfold even more dramatically during an induced transition of a prosperous person to a poor life track. It does happen that a completely successful individual loses everything and finds himself on the street. The most insidi- ous thing about this induced transition to poverty is that the spiral begins to unwind very slowly and then faster and faster, until it is impossible to stop.
This spiral starts off with temporary finan- cial difficulties. Observe - temporary finan- cial difficulties can happen at any moment and to anybody. It’s such an ordinary, un- avoidable thing as, say, the rain on the day when you wanted to have a picnic. If you don’t fall into rage, depression, agitation or take offense at life because of this difficulty, then the swings of the destructive pendulum will die out because you did not give your energy away to the pendulum. An induced transition begins only in the case of you having grabbed onto the end of the spiral. In order for the spiral to start spinning, your response to the pendulum is needed. Your first reaction to the pendulum’s push is discontent. This is for now too weak of a support for the pendulum, and if your emotions end here, the pendulum will die out. Another reaction is indignation, and this feeling is stronger, so the pendulum will regain its spirit, sending you information that someone is to blame for your financial difficulties. To this second push, you’ll respond with negative comments or actions towards the guilty party. At this moment, the destructive pendulum has already become fully animated and thus, a new branch of the spiral is taking form: your next salary will be smaller, or prices will shoot up, or someone will suddenly demand that you repay your debt.
Notice that, at the current stage, you don’t yet realize that a process is going on. It could simply be an unfortunate event. But in fact this is a directed process, which you induced on your own, being responsible for the swings of the pendulum. The frequency of your energy radiation is further rearranging itself from the track where you are prosper- ous, to the track where you are deprived and annoyed. Therefore, you move to the tracks corresponding to these new parameters.
And thus, your situation is getting more and more serious. Bad news start pouring in on you from everywhere: prices are rising, your company is not going well. You begin to act- ively discuss this negative news with close friends and relatives. These discussions are, usually, of a destructive sort – that is, they consist of complains, discontent and aggres- sion towards the supposed guilty parties. This is especially pronounced in companies where business is indeed bad. At a company like that, the day begins with the postulate that “there’s no money”, as if it were a morn- ing prayer.
At this point you have already been captured by the spiral, and your radiation is tuned to the frequency of the destructive pendulum. Because things are constantly getting worse, you’ll get ridden by anxiety. The energy of anxiety, despite its small size, is very well assimilated by the pendulum, making the pendulum bolder and bolder. In the state of anxiety, you will unavoidably be creating an excess potential all around you: discontent, aggression, depression, apathy, resentment and so on. Now, when the destructive pendulum has been joined by balancing forces, the situation gets out of control and starts to develop in a snowballing manner. You feel fear and let yourself run amok.
It’s as if someone took you by the hands and started spinning you round and round, only to let go of you suddenly and quickly. You fly off to the side, fall down, and remain lying in shock. That’s a terrifying picture. But everything started with small financial diffi- culties. The pendulum doesn’t need your money, because it is only interested in the negative energy you are emanating when your money is melting away. As a result, when the spiral has unwounded, the unfortunate person, in the best case, loses quite a lot, and in the worst case – everything. He is no longer of interest to the destructive pendulum – there is nothing more to take from him. Further on, events can be unfolding in several ways: either the unfortunate remains laying on the unsuccessful track, or he tries with difficulty to pull himself out. Such an induced transition can happen with individual persons as well as with large groups of people. In the latter case, as you can imagine, the spiral is not a spiral anymore, but a real whirlpool from which it’ll be very difficult to get out.
The only way to avoid an induced transition is not to grab onto the end of the spiral, not to get involved in the game of the destructive pendulum. It’s not enough to simply know how this mechanism works. You need to con- stantly keep it in mind. Your Overseer must not sleep. Pull yourself together every time you accept a pendulum’s game by habit, as if in a dream – that is, when you show discontent, indignation, anxiety, when you take part in destructive discussions and so on. Remember: everything that makes you react negatively is the provoking action of destructive pendulums. The exact same thing happens in dreams: until you realize that it is a dream, you are a puppet in someone else’s hands, and you could be tormented by night- mares. As soon as you wake up, shake off these delusions and realized the true nature of the game – that’s it, you’re the master of the situation. You won’t become a victim of circumstances, while everyone around you is in a zombie-like state. 

Summary of Parts 28-31
Each man creates a separate layer of the world, where he lives.
The world of people as a whole consists of individual layers, placed on top of each other.
When emanating negative energy, a person is making the layer of his world worse.
Aggression is mistakenly taken to be a sign of strength and dissatisfaction is seen as a normal reaction.
A response to a negative event induces the transfer to negative life tracks.
An induced transition includes a negative event in an individual person’s layer.
Don’t allow any negative information into your layer.
“Don’t allow” means not to avoid, but to in- tentionally ignore and not become interested in certain kinds of information. 

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