
Monday 30 January 2017

Transurfing. Part 32. The Flow of Variations: The Information Field. Knowledge out of Nowhere.

Part 32 
The Flow of Variations:  The Information Field
Where do the following come from - premonitions, intuition, prophecies and discoveries, as well as master- pieces of art? Is it true that the hu- man mind is the one which invents and creates? The flow of variations is a luxurious gift for the mind, but man does not have the least suspi- cion about it. And what are omens and why do they work?

When you go with the flow, the world comes out to meet you.

The Information Field
The space of variations represents an in- formation field or an energy matrix – a mod- el of what must happen and how it must happen. Energy tuned to a particular sector of the matrix “illuminates” it, and the model is then realized in material form. Hence, the question: can this information be used while it is still in unrealized form? In other words, can we “see” into the future?
One could say that we do this every day. Our consciousness doesn’t know how to get in- formation from the space of variations. But the subconscious has free access to the in- formation field. This is precisely where pre- monitions, intuition, predictions, proph- ecies, discoveries and masterpieces of art come from.
 Information enters the consciousness either from the outside world, as an interpretation of external data, or from the subconscious, on the intuitive level. Data that is written in the field is, roughly speaking, truth in its purest form. In other words, it is objective information that is free from any interpretations. When truth passes through the filter of mind, it turns into an interpretation – namely, into knowledge. All living creatures perceive truth through their interpretations. A chicken perceives and understands the world in a very different way than that of a man. Even different people can perceive and understand the same things differently. Therefore, knowledge is nothing but a more
or less distorted form of the truth.
Data in the information field has the form of complex energy structures. These structures contain everything that makes matter move according to certain laws. At first, data from the information field is received by the subconscious (the soul) then consciousness (the mind) translates it into a verbal or symbolic description. This is how discoveries come to be or how something new is created – like music, works of art – that is, everything that a man couldn’t see or know about directly. This is also how intuitive knowledge and premonitions appear.
All of this is possibly shocking to you and fills you with distrust. So are we saying that mind by itself can’t create anything new, but is only able to receive data from the informa- tion field? Not quite. The mind can construct a new item or solve a problem, using familiar objects or logical configurations. In other words, the mind can make a new house out of old bricks. But, to come up with something entirely new, something that can- not be made out of the old, this the mind cannot do. Fundamental scientific discoveries do not come as a result of logical reasoning, but as flashes of inspiration, like knowledge taken out of nowhere. The same is true for great inventions. Good music is not just composed from a collection of notes, but comes as if on its own. Masterpieces of art are created not as a result of mastering a professional technique, but are born out of inspiration. A work of art that has been painted by some- body who masters a particular technique will not necessarily become a masterpiece. It be- comes a masterpiece because of what lies outside the boundaries of excellent technical performance. Poetry that moves the soul is not a result of a logical assorting of rhymes, but comes from the same place – from the
depths of the soul. Art that is based on inspiration and enlightenment has nothing to do with the mind. It is only later that the mind makes the products of such creation its own. For example, the mind is able to make a perfect copy of an old masterpiece. But it is not capable of creating a new one. The mind analyzes data received by the subconscious from the field of information, and wraps this data in symbolic interpretation – in the form of a melody, a pic-
ture, a poem, a formula, a diagram etc.
So far, we are unable to understand how the subconscious gets access to the field of in- formation. We can only witness the mani- festation of this access. An example of this is clairvoyance – the ability to perceive events that have either happened before, that are about to happen, or that are happening bey- ond the limits of the clairvoyant’s visual per- ception. We don’t understand the mechan- ism of these phenomena and so we call them paranormal. The pendulums of fundamental science, not wanting to admit to their power- lessness, don’t take paranormal phenomena seriously. However, the fact that we can’t explain things doesn’t mean they are not true, and we can’t just simply wave them away.
There are people who see events in the in- formation field as clearly as if they were hap- pening before their very eyes in the material world. Such people have the ability to tune themselves to a specific sector in the space of variations that has already been manifested. For example, in order to tune oneself into the sector of a missing person, a clairvoyant must look at his photograph or touch something of his. Even the police sometimes use the services of such clairvoyants.
Not everyone can see so clearly, and there- fore, mistakes are made. There are two reas- ons for these mistakes. The first reason is re- lated to the fact that clairvoyants can be tuned to a sector that has not and will not be realized. Different sectors can, depending on their relative distances from each other, differ either greatly or barely at all in scripts and decorations. The second reason why a clairvoyant can make a mistake is the interpretation of data by the psychic himself. For example, ancient foretellers and prophets, when looking at unfamiliar and strange scenes from the future, interpreted them in their own way, deriving from their level of knowledge. Therefore, prophecies are sometimes imprecise.
Whether you believe all this or not is your own choice. Keep in mind that Transurfing is but a model, allowing us to use the laws of the world for our own interests. It is not meant to be the description of the world’s structure. Transurfing is also not a stone monument with the inscription “Here is ex- actly where the heart of the problem is”. Truth, as you know, is always somewhere close. The notion that man is capable of syn- thesizing anything new using his mind is also only a mindset. It’s just that we have been accustomed to this model for a long time and it is suitable for us. It should be noted that this familiar diagram of life is as impossible to prove as the Transurfing model. So, whether things happen this way or another is not very important for us, in principle. The fact remains that the information from the space of variations somehow reaches our ears in the form of various hints, visions, enlightenment, signs, and if possible we must try and grasp their meaning.

Knowledge out of Nowhere
Only a very small and select number of people are able to clearly read the data from the field of information. The majority of people get only echoes of this data in the form of passing premonitions and vague knowledge. People involved with science and art get enlightened after many days or years spent in contemplation. It’s difficult to dis- cover something new because it is much easier for your thought frequency to tune in- to sectors that have already been realized in the space of variations. Something that is fundamentally new is always in the unrealized sectors. But how do you tune into them?
This is beyond us for now.
When the search for new solutions doesn’t give any results in the realized sectors, the subconscious somehow gets out into an un- realized sector. Such data is not enveloped in the usual symbolic interpretations. There- fore, consciousness perceives it as vague and unclear information. If the brain is able to grasp the essence of this information, you get enlightened and obtain a clear understand- ing of things.
There are many ambiguities and contradic- tions in the workings of our consciousness and the subconscious. We won’t address all these problems, but will only consider a few separate aspects. For simplicity, so we won’t get lost in terminology and semantics, we’ll refer to everything related to consciousness as ‘mind,” and everything related to the sub-
conscious as “soul.”
If our mind understood everything that the soul wanted to tell it, humankind would have received direct access to the field of informa- tion a long time ago. It’s hard to imagine what heights our civilization would have reached if that was the case. But it’s not only that the mind doesn’t know how to listen, it doesn’t even want to. A man’s attention is constantly preoccupied with either objects of the external world or with inner thoughts and emotional feelings about these objects. The inner monologue almost never stops, even though it is under the mind’s control. The mind doesn’t listen to the weak signals of the soul, but in an authoritarian voice it repeats over and over again whatever it is preoccupied with. When the mind “thinks”, it operates in categories, classifying qualities of visible objects in the materialized sectors. In other words, it thinks with the help of well-established labels: symbols, words, concepts, diagrams, rules and so on. It tries to place all information into appropriately labeled files.
There are labels for everything that exists in this world: the sky is blue, water is wet, birds fly, tigers are dangerous, winter is cold and so on. If information from unrealized sectors doesn’t yet have mental labels, the mind per- ceives it as some kind of incomprehensible knowledge. If a new label can be put on a piece of knowledge or it can be explained in the framework of old explanations, then there you go – a discovery has been made.
It’s always very difficult to come up with an explanation for something entirely new. 
Imagine a man who hears music for the first time. Music is also information in the form of sounds. When the mind receives this in- formation, it knows, but doesn’t understand. There is yet no name or label for it. Under- standing comes later, when the mind hears music many times and all designations and objects associated with music are demonstrated to it: musicians, instruments, notes, songs. But when the mind heard music for the first time, it was totally real and actual knowledge and, at the same time, an incomprehensible mystery. In other words, the mind knew it was experiencing something and that something was in existence, but the mind could not identify what it was experiencing.
Try to explain the following definition to a small child: “milk is white.” The child is only just starting to use abstract categories, thus he’ll ask you a bunch of questions. Well, he does know what milk is. But what is “white?”
It’s a colour. And what is a colour? It’s a property of objects. And what’s a property? And what’s an object? And so on, forever and ever. It would be easier not to explain what colour is, but to show objects of different col- ors. Then the child’s mind would be able to label the parameter where the various objects differ, using the abstract category of colour. This is how he puts labels and definitions on everything around him, and then he thinks, using these definitions. In contrast to the mind, the soul doesn’t use labels. How can the soul then explain to the mind that “milk is white?”
From the time when the mind began to think using abstract categories, its connection to the soul slowly began to die off. The soul doesn’t use these categories. It doesn’t think and doesn’t talk, but it feels and knows. It cannot express what it knows with words or symbols. Therefore the mind can never agree with the soul. Suppose that the soul is tuned to an unrealized sector and has found out something that does not yet exist in the material world. How can it bring this information to the mind?
Moreover, the mind is constantly busy with its chatter. It thinks that everything can be intelligently explained, and is constantly keeping all information under control. The mind is only receiving vague signals from the soul, signals that it cannot always identify with the help of its categories. The soul’s am- biguous feelings and knowledge are drowned out by the loud thoughts of the mind. When the mind’s control weakens a little, then in- tuitive feelings and knowledge can break through into consciousness.
This breakthrough can appear in the form of a vague premonition, which is also called the inner voice. The mind has been distracted and in this moment you sensed a feeling or some knowledge of the soul. This is what is called the rustling of the morning stars –the voice without words, thoughtfulness without thoughts; sound with no volume. You under- stand something, but vaguely. You are not thinking, but you feel it intuitively. Everyone has at some point in their life experienced for themselves what intuition is. For ex- ample, you feel that someone’s coming right now, or something is about to happen or you simply know something without being able to explain it.
The mind is constantly busy generating thoughts. The voice of the soul is literally drowned out by this “thought-mixer,” thus intuitive knowledge is hard to access. If we could stop this course of thoughts and simply contemplate emptiness, we would be able to hear the rustling of the morning stars – the inner voice, wordless. The soul can find the answers to many questions, if we would only listen to its voice.
Teaching the soul to purposefully tune itself to unrealized sectors and forcing the mind to listen to what the soul wants to tell it is difficult enough. Let’s start out small. The soul has two rather distinct feelings: a sense of inner peace and a sense of inner discomfort. The mind has interpretations for these feelings: “I feel good” and “I feel bad”, “I’m confident” and “I’m worried”, “I like” and “I don’t like”.
With every step you take in life, decisions must be made – to do something or to do something else. Material manifestation is moving through the space of variations, and as a result of this we get what we call “our life”. Depending on our thoughts and ac- tions, particular sectors are being realized. The soul has access to the field of informa- tion. Somehow it sees what lays ahead in the not yet realized, but approaching sectors. If the soul has tuned in to a sector that has not yet been made into reality, it would know what is waiting there if it were to be realized: something nice or something bad. These feelings of the soul are perceived by the mind as vague sensations of inner peace or inner discomfort.
The soul very often knows what is expecting it. And it tries with a weak voice to notify the mind about this. However, the mind almost never listens to the soul or at least doesn’t at- tach any significance to these vague gut feel- ings. The mind is trapped by pendulums. It is too busy solving problems and is con- vinced that its actions are rational. The mind makes resolute decisions, governed by logic- al reasoning and common sense. However, it’s a well known fact that sensible reasoning in no way guarantees the right solution. The soul, in contrast to the mind, doesn’t think – it feels and knows. Therefore, it doesn’t make any mistakes. How often do we hear people suddenly remember: “But, I knew that noth- ing good would come of it!”
The task is to learn to determine what your soul is telling your mind in the decision making moment. It is not that difficult to do. You just have to tell your Overseer to pay attention to the state your soul is in. Say, you are making some kind of decision. Your mind is completely trapped by the pendulum or pre- occupied with solving a problem. In order to hear the rustling of the morning stars, you only have to remember in time that you need to pay attention to your soul’s condition. This is so trivial that it is not even interest- ing. But that is the case. The only problem is in paying attention to your own feelings. People are more prone to trust reasonable arguments than their own feelings. Therefore people have forgotten how to pay attention to the state of their soul.
Let’s say you are mentally viewing one of the possible solutions. At this point the mind is not guided by feelings but by sensible reas- oning – and is not at all likely to perceive an  feelings. If you have been successful in remembering, then take notice of what you are feeling. Did something about the situation put you on alert or upset you? Was there something that feels dangerous or something that you don’t like? You make a decision. Now order the mind to be quiet for a moment and ask yourself, “Do you feel good or bad?” Then pick a different solution and again ask yourself the question “Do you feel good or bad?”
If you don’t have an explicit feeling, it means that your mind is still a very poor listener. Let your Overseer force you to pay attention to the state your soul is in more often. However, it is possible that the answer to your question is ambiguous itself. In that case, you shouldn’t rely on such imprecise data. The only thing remaining then is to act according to the suggestions your mind is making. Or you would have to simplify the question.
If you were able to get an explicit answer, “Yes, this is good for me” or “No, this is bad for me,” that means you have listened to the rustling of the morning stars. Now you know the answer. It doesn’t mean that you will act in accordance with the dictates of the soul. We are not always free to act the way we wish. But at least you will know what you can expect in the unrealized sector. 

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