
Monday 30 January 2017

Transurfing. Part 30. The Funnel of the Pendulum: Disaster. War. Unemployment. Epidemic. Panic.

Part 30
The Funnel of the Pendulum: 
3) Unemployment
4) Epidemic
5) Panic

Many people, in one way or another, would agree that there is a theoretical possibility for them to be in a disaster (see note below). But not all of them allow this possibility to enter the layer of their world. There are people who don’t watch TV series, who aren’t interested in the news, who aren’t bothered by every little event that happens somewhere and to someone. They live in their own layers and they are adherents of other pendulums. They don’t worry when they hear that an airplane crashed somewhere in the world. They listen to the news about events like that, while calmly chewing away at their dinner. They have enough of their own problems.
People are more vulnerable to an induced transition if they are interested in disasters, if they get concerned and worry about dis- asters that happen elsewhere to other people. If the life of a man is not too packed with problems and worries, then he tries to fill this void by turning his attention to events in the layers of other people. Such a person regularly reads the tabloids or watches TV series, or is waiting for new in- formation about catastrophes and natural disasters. The tabloids and TV series repres- ent the activity of small and harmless pendu- lums. Adherence to them only makes up for deficiency of information, emotions and feel- ings. But getting interested in the destructive pendulums of catastrophes and natural disasters poses a real threat. They are strong and very aggressive.
If a man pays attention to events like that then the frequency of thought radiation is captured in the same way as in the case with TV series. Having expressed an interest in negative information, one will always get it in abundance. At the beginning, he accepts the harmless role of an observer. He is, as if sitting on the stands, watching a soccer game. He gets more and more captivated by the game until he becomes an active fan. Then he runs onto the field and starts run- ning after the ball but does not get it yet. Gradually and unnoticeably, he is drawn fur- ther into the game and finally he will even get to kick the ball. The observer has been transformed into a player, and in this case, into a victim of disaster.
And how could it be otherwise? After all, dis- asters have become a part of the man’s life, he let them into his layer himself and he un- willingly accepted the destiny of a victim. Consequently, he materialized an unfortunate variation. Of course, he didn’t want to be a victim, but that’s not important. Once a man accepts the game of the pendulum, the roles are defined by the pendulum and not by the man. Therefore, if for many other people the given disaster is only a fatal coincidence, then to our victim it is a natural and logical end. The probability of our hero being in the wrong place at the wrong time is already higher than average.
If you ignore the shoves of destructive pendulums, then you will never find yourself in the middle of a disaster. Let’s put it this way, the probability of you being in a disaster will be close to zero. You could object: but why do thousands of people die in catastrophes or natural disasters? Does this mean that they are all thinking about catastrophes at the same time? The thing is that you are not the only one living in this world. You are sur- rounded by lots and lots of people, who are actively working on destructive pendulums and emanate energy in the range of these pendulums. No one can completely isolate himself from this radiation. The field of radiation captures you and you start emanating energy on the same frequencies, without even being aware of it yourself. This behaviour stems from ancient times, when herd instinct and group dynamics helped individuals avoid danger. That is exactly why the energy field of induced transition grows, reaching a snowballing effect, and draws you in, as into a funnel.
The objective is to be as far away as possible from the center of the funnel. This means – don’t let information about catastrophes and disasters get to you, do not become inter- ested in them, do not live through them emo- tionally, as if they have happened to you, do not discuss them. Basically, let any  information concerning disasters pass you by. Note the difference: don’t avoid information just don’t let it get to you. As you know from the previous chapters, avoiding any en- counters with a pendulum is the same thing as to look for encounters with it. When you are against something, or you really don’t want it, or express aversion to it, you are actively emanating energy on the frequency of what you want to avoid. Not letting something get to you means to ignore it, not to react to any negative information on the subject. Just shift your attention to harmless television programs and books.
If you can’t refrain from reacting, then you can at least rely on your Guardian Angel. For example, if you are afraid of flying on air- planes, don’t fly. If there is fear in the first place, then it means that in the range of your radiation, there is a frequency which reson- ates with the life track on which a disaster in the air is marked out. It does not mean in any way that you will certainly get on this track, but nonetheless there is a probability of this happening. If you simply don’t think about any danger on an airplane, then there is nothing to be afraid of. On the contrary, if you experience unusual anxiety before get- ting on a plane, it would be wise to skip that flight. If it’s simply impossible for you not to fly, then you need to learn how to listen to the rustling of the morning stars. What it is and how it is done, you have yet to discover. 

War breaks out in basically the exact same way as a simple fight. At first, one side tells the other its opinion on something. The oth- er has the opposite view on things, and the opinion first expressed thus serves as a push of a destructive pendulum. The second party responds to the first push with somewhat higher amplitude. In reply to this, the first party again responds with more aggression. And so it keeps growing, until it finally comes down to a physical conflict.
Thus, before us we have a simple and graphic image of two fighting pendulums that are, while hitting against each other, swinging higher and higher. There are many factors responsible for the outbreak of war and re- volutions, but the essence is the same. At first, people are told that they are living a miserable life. Everyone quickly agrees – the first action of the pendulum has been accep- ted. Then the following explanation appears – other people are in the way of our people’s welfare. This stirs up righteous anger – the pendulum is now swinging. Then comes a provocation from one or the other side, which stirs up a storm of resentment – the pendulum has gathered force and thus, the war or revolution can begin. Each strike of the pendulum gives rise to a response, which only further strengthens the swinging.
 Hence, the people that take part in this game are experiencing a avalanche-like transfer
onto a life track where tension is mounting. You can only change the situation in the be- ginning of a conflict. Once the conflict is established, the situation is already out of control. When the spiral is only starting to coil, you could respond to the first lunge of the pendulum amicably or by simply stepping aside, and the pendulum will fall through or it will be extinguished. Consequently, there will be no transfer to a new branch – that is, to a new life track. However, if you accept the pendulum’s swings, then your frequency of radiation will approach the parameters of the spiral’s new branch – the new life track.
Unfortunately, if an individual participant doesn’t react to the pendulum, this does not yet guarantee that he will not be drawn into a war or a revolution. If you’ve stepped into a powerful whirlpool, then no matter how you try, it will be almost impossible to get out of it. However, if the participant doesn’t accept the pendulum’s game, he will at least get additional chances to remain alive and come out of the conflict with the smallest possible losses. At this point you should have a good understanding of what it means to not accept war. You could hate it or be actively against it, fighting it. But whether you are for or against war, it’s all the same to the pendulum. It gets energy from either side. If the energy emanates at the frequency of war, a transfer takes place onto the corresponding track. You acknowledge the war, participate in it – you are on the field of battle. You fight against the war – it will consume you nonetheless.
To not accept the pendulum means to ignore it. Of course, you can’t always ignore it – that is the danger of an induced transition. Well, it would at least be useful not to take any po- sition, be that of an advocate or an opponent of war. In all times, neutral governments have existed that have been standing aside, observing how entire nations destroyed one another. Look at the demonstrations and meetings where people furiously protest against war activities. For the pendulum, try- ing to unleash the fight with its own rivals, these opponents of war are just as commit- ted and desired adherents, as supporters of the conflict. Active protest is the very same as support of war, although naive adherents are convinced of the contrary. Peaceful suggestions and exposing the true face and motives of the pendulum – these are the actions that can put war out. Do you remember the allegory with the nest of wild bees? The pendulum tells its adherents that the bees are dangerous and therefore must be destroyed. But what does the pendulum really
need, maybe their honey?

As we’ve already mentioned, there are differ- ent ways in which you can participate in the game of a pendulum – both by supporting it and by trying to reject it. The latter is, per- haps, even more dangerous, since the desire to avoid a pendulum creates an excess poten- tial that will draw you into the funnel of transition. Everybody or almost everybody is nowadays afraid of losing their jobs. An in- duced transition to the state where you live out on the streets is very insidious indeed. Everything begins with the smallest and most harmless thing. This could be a rather weak first sign: you overhear that your com- pany is not doing as good now as it did be- fore. Or someone you know has lost his job, or there are rumors going around about re- dundancies, or something like that.
350/463 On a subconscious level, invisible to you, a red light has gone off. Shortly thereafter, an- other signal comes – for example, inflation is on the rise. This is already putting you on your guard and, incidentally, the same is happening to others. People are starting to talk and the pendulum of unemployment is already being fed with energy. There is already news about a dip in the stock market and the general tension is mounting. Worry is quickly replaced with anxiety, and then by fear. You’re already vigorously generating energy on the frequency of a life track where
you see yourself without a job.
When you are carrying around the fear of be- coming unemployed, you can count on it be- ing as obvious as wearing a sign around your neck that said “I can be fired.” If you think that you can hide this fear, you are very mis- taken. Passing gesticulations, certain intona- tions and inflections in your voice, can some- times tell more than words. Having lost confidence in yourself, you are already not as effective a worker as you were before. Things that were a piece of cake to you before are now not going too well. There is tension in your interactions with coworkers, who are in the same position as you are. You bring your nervousness home to the family and instead of supporting you, they begin to accuse and criticize you. That’s it, stress is developing and you are no longer a worker – there is a sign around your neck with the following words: “Ready to be fired.”
The feeling of guilt is what causes your fear of being fired. This feeling of guilt is either smoldering or burning with a bright flame in your subconscious. Who do they usually fire first? That’s right, the worst ones. If you have allowed yourself to think that you could be worse than others, then that assumption by itself has put you on the black list. Turn away from the feeling of guilt. Allow yourself the luxury of being you. And if you’re not successful, start looking for another job. The excess potential of emotional worries is scattered and dissolved through action. Some people start looking for a new job, as soon as they are employed. They are not do- ing this because they intend to change jobs immediately. Insurance brings confidence: just in case, there is an alternative option. If you are calm about your future, the action of the balancing forces won’t touch you.

You are probably thinking that no....we can’t be talking about life tracks, when talking about contagious diseases. Somebody gets ill simply because he’s been infected. And you would be right, but only in that a person al- lowed himself to get infected. I certainly don’t mean to say that someone who gets ill should have walked around with a mask on – that wouldn’t have saved him anyway. You  don’t believe me? Well, I won’t be able to prove it to you by using theoretical arguments – just as I would not be able to prove anything that’s being said in this book. However, you wouldn’t be walking around with a mask on during a flu epidemic, just to test whether the mask is working or not. Therefore, I’ll just tell you what I know.
Whether you believe it or not is up to you.
So, let’s uncover the history of disease. The reason for your illness is your voluntary agreement to take part in the game called “Epidemic.” Everything begins with hearing that there is an epidemic – let’s say the flu is already going around somewhere. Every nor- mal person knows that the flu is transmitted through the respiratory system. Con- sequently, you, like all normal people, com- pletely allow the possibility that this could happen to anybody. Immediately, your mind starts playing the being-sick movie: you have a fever, you’re sneezing and coughing. That’s  it – from this moment on, you are already in the game, because you are emanating thought energy at the frequency of a destructive pendulum.
You’re already subconsciously looking for confirmation that an epidemic is actually here, and your attention becomes selective. Sneezing people are all around you. They were always there, you simply didn’t notice them before. At work and at home, from time to time, someone will raise the subject of the flu. Your assumption that an epidemic approaches is being confirmed by more and more evidence. Even if you’re not particu- larly looking for confirmation, and the sub- ject doesn’t particularly worry you. Some- how, confirmation takes place by itself.
If, from the very beginning of the game, you have tuned yourself to the frequency of the destructive pendulum, your bonds to it will become stronger and stronger, regardless of  your conscious participation. Well, and if you wouldn’t mind getting sick or if you feel that you’re destined to get sick, it means that you are already the most active adherent of the pendulum. Or no, you’ve decided not to get sick and you keep telling yourself that you are absolutely healthy and will not get sick. It won’t work. You are thinking about the ill- ness, so you are emanating on the frequency of this illness. The direction of thoughts – for or against – is not important. In other words, if you try to convince yourself that you will not get sick, then from the beginning, you are allowing the possibility of getting sick, and no persuasion on your part will help you stay healthy.
Words pronounced out loud are simply ren- dering air, words said to oneself are nothing at all – but belief is a powerful energy, even if it is not audible. You will not save yourself, even if you’ll run and get vaccinated. It doesn’t matter, because you are going to be ill for a period of time, one way or another. The first symptom of your illness gives you a choice: will you, after all, be sick or not? You make weak attempts to resist and finally, you face the fact that you are getting ill. This brings the final adjustment in your radiation and you move to a life track where illness assumes full control.
The induced transition started from the mo- ment the pendulum was accepted. If you truly don’t care at all about this epidemic, the transition won’t take place. Or if you are on vacation, haven’t been talking to anyone, haven’t heard any news, and know nothing about the epidemic, the pendulum won’t touch you. It will simply fall through, as if in- to empty space.
Have you ever wondered why doctors don’t become infected? Many are even bold enough to work without protective masks. It’s not because they give themselves vaccines. You can’t vaccinate yourself against all illnesses. The thing is that doctors are also actively playing the game of the illness pendulum, but they have an entirely different role. By analogy, when you get the chance, watch the stewardesses on an airplane. These good fairies insistently recommend that all passengers fasten their seat belts, while they themselves fly about the cabin, as if in the event of a crash, they would simply hover in the air like hummingbirds.
“Well, and what about babies, infected with AIDS?” – a meticulous Reader would ask. “What, they also radiate energy of trans- ition?” First of all, here we are only looking at the question of an epidemic as a tendency. Second of all, I am not trying to show that in- fections in general don’t exist and that there is only radiation of thought energy on the frequency of illness. Transurfing is not a dogma and nor is it the last stop on the way to the truth. One should not take any idea to be the absolute truth. We can only be looking at patterns and regularities. Truth is always “somewhere real close”, but where exactly –
nobody knows. 

This is the most intense and fast induced transition. Panic among people is the most able phenomenon to highlight all the distinctive features of an induced transition. Firstly, the spiral coils very strongly when you panic, because a signal of real danger al- ways sounds very convincing and a man would immediately be drawn into the game of a destructive pendulum. For that same reason, the pendulum increases its swinging much faster, practically like an avalanche.
Secondly, when panicking, a man almost completely loses control over himself, which means that he turns into a sensitive receiver and at the same time into an active re-transmitter of the pendulum’s swings. And finally, the pendulum itself finds an ideal way to materialize itself, in the form of a crowd. Unfortunately, all these factors make it very difficult to make a pendulum fall through or to extinguish it. In moments of panic, it wouldn’t even occur to a person to think about ways of struggling with a pendulum.
However, if you can get a grip on yourself and not give in to panic, then you have a very good chance of saving your own life and the lives of those close to you. For example, on a sinking ship, there’s always a scuffle around one of the ship’s rescue boats, while the boats nearby are empty. If one would only take a moment to look around, he would no- tice the empty boats. But this is precisely the insidious quality of an induced transition in that it works like a funnel, sucking everything around it into itself, making you lose sight of possible alternatives.

In this case, the author is not referring to a personal disaster but rather to a global one like an airplane crash, natural disasters, fire, terrorist attacks, etc. 

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