
Monday 30 January 2017

Transurfing. Part 26. The Basis of Every Excess Potential: Importance


Part 26
The Basis of Every Excess Potential: Importance
Finally, let’s look at the most common type of excess potential – importance. This poten- tial arises when excessive importance is at- tributed to something. Importance repres- ents an excess potential in its purest form.
Eliminating this potential, the balancing forces make up problems for the person who created this potential.
Two forms of importance exist – inner and outer. Your inner or individual importance can be the overestimation of your virtues or flaws. The formula of inner importance goes along the lines of: “I am an important per- son” or “I do important work”. When the ar- row of importance of your persona goes off the scale, the balancing forces get to work, and the “big cheese” gets a flick on the nose. He who “does important work” will also be disappointed – either his work won’t be needed at all, or it will be very poorly done. But puffing up and having your nose in the air is only one side of the coin. There is an- other side to it – belittling your own virtues and self-humiliation. What this all leads to, you already know. As you can see, the amount of the excess potential is the same in both cases, the only thing different is its direction – positive or negative.
Someone, who attributes great importance to an object or an event in the world, is also ar- tificially creating outer importance. The formula of outer importance goes something like this: “To me, such-and-such is of great importance” or “It is very important to me to do this and that”. An excess potential is thus created and everything will be ruined. If you are still able to somehow curb your feelings of inner importance, then the deal with ex- ternal significance is much worse. Imagine that you have to walk on a log that is on the ground. There is probably nothing easier. But now, you have to walk on that same log, only this time it is placed between the roofs of two skyscrapers. The position of the log is now of great importance to you, and you can’t convince yourself of the opposite. The only way of eliminating outer importance in this case would be some kind of insurance (for example, a parachute when you are walking on the log). In each individual case, the insurance will be different. The main thing is not to put everything on one side of the scale. There must be some kind of counterweight, some protection. In other words, an escape route or plan B.
I don’t have anything more to say about this. Basically, everything there was to say about importance has already been said. Have you figured it out? Everything we’ve talked about in this chapter is a variation on the subject of importance, inner or outer. All imbalanced feelings or reactions – indignation, discon- tent, irritation, anxiety, worry, depression, panic, despair, fear, pity, attachment, admir- ation, exaggerated affection, idealization, worship, glee, disappointment, pride, arrog- ance, contempt, disgust, resentment and so on – these are nothing but a manifestation of importance in one form or another. An ex- cess potential is created only when you attribute excessive importance to a quality, object or event – either inside yourself or in the external world.
Importance creates an excess potential by summoning the wind of balancing forces. In their turn, they create many problems, and life is transformed into one single struggle for existence. Now you can judge for yourself to what extent inner and outer importance is complicating your life.
But this is not all. Remember the puppet strings? Pendulums hang onto your feelings and reactions: fear, anxiety, hatred, love, worship, call of duty, guilt and others. As you see, all these things are the consequences of excessive importance. The following scenario describes what is literally taking place. Say there is a certain object in front of you. On the energy level, it’s neutral: neither good nor bad. You approached the object, you put it in your box of importance, and then you stepped aside, looked at it – and gasped. Now you are ready to give away your energy to the pendulum, because now you have something to hook on to. A little donkey will obediently drag himself along, following the carrot. Importance represents that very same carrot. A pendulum will use this carrot to capture the frequency of your radiation, to suck your energy out of you, and get you wherever it wants.
Hence, in order to be in harmony with the rest of the world and to relieve yourself of pendulums, it’s necessary to reduce any ex- cessive importance. You always have to keep watch over how much importance you attrib- ute to yourself or to the world around you. Your inner Overseer shouldn’t be sleeping. Having reduced the importance, you will im- mediately enter the state of balance and pen- dulums won’t be able to establish any control over you – after all, you can’t hook on to emptiness. You could object: so what are you saying, we should all just become lifeless statues? I’m not in any way urging you to re- fuse all kinds of emotions or even to reduce their intensity. Overall, it is useless and not even necessary to fight emotions. If you are always trying to keep yourself together and stay calm on the outside, while your inner world is boiling over, the excess potential will grow bigger. Emotions stem from attitudes, therefore you should change your attitude in the first place . Feelings and emotions are nothing but consequences. They are caused by one single thing – importance.
Suppose that someone in my family has been born, has died, or recently had a wedding or some other kind of important event. Is this important to me? No. Should I be indifferent to it? Again, no, I shouldn’t. Do you see the difference? I just don’t make a problem out of it and don’t torture myself or the people around me. Well, and what about compas- sion? I think I am not mistaken if I say that compassion and helping those truly in need never hurt anyone. But even in the case of helping others you need to monitor your importance. I made a slip, when I said you could only help those who are truly in need. What if a person really wants to suffer? He likes it this way, and your compassion is a means for him to get self-assurance on your behalf. Or, for example, you saw a poor cripple begging and you gave him some money. But as you were walking away he gave you an evil smirk – he’s not a cripple at
all but a professional beggar.
In the animal world, in the world of plants as well as in nature in general, there is no such thing as importance. There is only expedi- ency, from the point of view of the balancing forces. Pets are probably the only ones that could experience a sense of their own im- portance. Yes, it appears that they too can be influenced by society. Other animals are only guided by their instincts in anything they do.
Importance is a human invention that is of a great pleasure to pendulums. Strong deviations in outer importance make fanatics. And what do you think deviations in inner importance make? They make petty tyrants.
You could get the impression that with things being this way, one would be too scared to do anything. Fortunately, it is not all that bad. The balancing forces will start making serious changes in your life only if you are really attached to your ideas of how things should be, if you are obsessed and have really gone too far. The situation with the pendulums is also clear. We are all under their influence. The main thing is to realize how they are getting hold of you and how far you will let them take you.
Reducing importance doesn’t just signific- antly decrease the number of problems in your life. Having refused internal and outer importance, you will obtain such a treasure as the freedom of choice. “ What are you talking about?” you ask, “According to the primary principle of Transurfing we already have the right to choose.” Well, you do have it, but you are unable to use it. The balancing forces and pendulums are in the way. Because of excessive importance, our entire lives are spent in a struggle with balancing forces. There’s simply not enough energy left for the actual choice, let alone for thinking about what you personally want from life. Meanwhile, the pendulums are constantly trying to establish control over us and impose someone else’s goals on us. Where is the freedom in that?
Any form of importance, either inner or out- er, is simply made up. None of us is of any importance in this world. But at the same time, we have access to all of the riches in the world. Imagine how the children, when they are on the beach, are splashing, playing and having lots of fun in the water. Suppose that none of them imagines himself to be either good or bad, that the water is good or bad, that the other children are good or bad. As long as the situation remains this way, the children are happy – they’re in harmony with nature. Similarly, any person has come into this world as a child of nature. If he doesn’t disturb the balance, he can have the best there is. But as soon as he starts making up importance, problems will appear imme- diately. He does not see the causal link between his importance and his problems. Thus, it seems to him that the world is basic- ally a hostile environment, where it’s not that easy to get what you want. In fact, artificially created importance is the single obstacle on the path to fulfillment of your desires. It’s possible that I haven’t convinced you of this yet. However, I am far from running out of arguments. 

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