
Monday 30 January 2017

Transurfing. Part 28. An Induced Transition. the Shift of Generations.

Part 28
An Induced Transition
Why does every new generation think life was better before? How many generations have already passed since the beginning of his- tory! And each generation is con- vinced that the world has become worse than before. Does the world have a tendency to degenerate? But if that really was the case, then a few dozen generations would have been enough for our civilization to end up in pure hell. What is going on here?

Don’t let any negative information get to you.

The Shift of Generations
In all times, people have been thinking: “Those were the good old days!” As a person gets older, life seems to him worse and worse. He is remembering when he was younger, when colors were rich, impressions were bright and vivid, dreams were attain- able, the music was better, the climate was more favorable, people were more approach- able, even the hot dogs were tastier back then, and not to mention how much better one’s health was. Life was full of hope, and brought joy and satisfaction. Now, after so many years, the same events do not make the man as happy as before. For example, a pic- nic, a party, a concert, going to the movies, a celebration, a date or a holiday by the sea – if we look at it objectively, everything has more or less the same quality. The party is fun, movies are interesting and the sea is warm. But nonetheless – something is missing. The colours have faded, experiences have become dull and the interest has simply died out.
So how come everything was so great back in our youth? Can it really be the case that our perceptions get duller as we grow older? But a man doesn’t lose the ability to laugh or to cry, to perceive tastes and colors, to distin- guish truth from deception, to tell the differ- ence between good and bad just because he is getting older. Or is the world really going down the drain? Actually, the world on its own is not degrading nor is it getting worse. It gets worse only for each individual person. Running in parallel with the negative life track the person is on now, there are life tracks which he left at some point in his life, and where everything is fine, just like it was in the good old days. By expressing dissatis- faction, the man tunes himself into life tracks that are actually worse. And in that case, he is really being drawn into them.
According to the principle of Transurfing, the space of variations has everything for everybody. For example, there is a sector, where for a given individual the colors of life have completely faded, while for others life remains as it was. A man, radiating negative thought energy, enters a sector where the decorations of his space have changed. At the same time, the world remains the same to everybody else. And we don’t even have to go too far, looking at radical cases where a man became an invalid, lost his home, lost his loved ones or became an alcoholic and ruined his life. In the flow of life, this man is sliding, slowly but surely, on the track where all the colors of his surrounding decorations are fading. That is when he starts remember- ing how vivid and fresh everything was long time ago.
When you are born and later when growing up, you accept the world as it is. A child simply doesn’t know whether things could get worse or better. Young people are not picky and haven’t been spoiled yet. They are simply discovering this world for themselves and take joy in life, because they have more hopes than complaints. They believe that everything here and now is not too shabby, and will get even better. But then there are misfortunes and failures, a man begins to understand that not all his dreams will come true, that other people are better off and that he has to fight for his place under the sun. As time goes by, the man has more complaints than hopes. Discontent and whining become the moving forces, pushing the man towards unsuccessful life tracks. If one were to ex- press it in Transurfing terms, the man is radiating negative energy, which is transferring him onto the life tracks that correspond to
these negative parameters. The worse you think of the world, the worse it will get. In childhood, nobody was particularly contemplating whether one’s childhood was good or not. As children, we took everything for granted. You had only started to discover the world and had not yet begun abusing it with your criticism. The greatest resentment you felt was in the direction of your relatives that, for example, didn’t buy you a toy. But then you really started to re- sent the world around you. The world satisfied you less and less. And the more you were complaining about it, the worse the results were. Everyone who has experienced youth and lived to maturity knows that a lot of things were better before.
So it’s a harmful paradox: you are confronted with annoying circumstances, you express your discontent, and as a result, the situation gets even worse. Your discontent comes back to you three-fold, as a boomerang. Firstly, the excess potential of your discontent turns the balancing forces against you. Secondly, your discontent serves as a channel through which a pendulum is able to pump your energy. And thirdly, when radiating negative energy, you are moving to corresponding life tracks. That is, to negative life tracks.
The habit of reacting negatively is so deep- seated in us that people have lost their ad- vantage over the lower living creatures in- habiting this planet. That advantage is con- sciousness. An oyster would react negatively to an external irritant as well. But, unlike the oyster, a man is able to consciously and in- tentionally manipulate his relationship to the external world. Nevertheless, he doesn’t make use of this advantage and instead re- sponds to the slightest inconvenience with aggression. He mistakenly interprets his ag- gression to be his strength, while in fact he is simply helplessly quivering in the pendu- lums’ spider web.
You believe that life has gotten worse. However, those who are young now think that life is wonderful. How come? Maybe, be- cause they don’t know how good it was when you were their age? But back then there were also people who were older than you, who were complaining and remembering the good old days, just as you do now. The reas- on is not just the ability of a man’s psyche to erase all bad memories and leave only the good ones. After all, your discontent is aimed at the present, because the present is sup-
posedly worse than the past.
It appears that, if one were to accept the fact that life is getting worse and worse with each year, the world should have simply fallen apart a long time ago. How many genera- tions have already passed since the begin- ning of human history? And everybody be- lieves that the world has gotten worse! For example, any old man would tell you with absolute certainty that Coca-Cola was better before. However, Coca-Cola was invented in 1886. Imagine how awful it must be now! Maybe the ability to taste gets duller with age? That is hardly the case. After all, the old man considers any other quality to be worse now, like the quality of furniture or clothes.
If the world was one and the same for every- body, then after the passing of several tens of generations, it would simply have turned in- to a living hell. How should we understand this paradoxical statement that the world is not the same for everybody? We all live in one and the same world of material mani- festations of variations. But the world’s vari- ations are different for everybody. On the surface, you can see clear differences in des- tinies: the rich, the poor, the successful, the unsuccessful, the happy and the unhappy. They all live in one world, but it is different for each and one of them. This is seems obvi- ous, just as it is obvious that there are wealthy and poor neighbourhoods.
However, not only do the scripts of destinies and roles differ, but the individual decorations do that too. This difference in decorations is not as obvious. One man looks out on the world from the window of his luxurious automobile, while another from a garbage can. One is having fun at a party, while an- other is troubled with his own problems at the same party. One sees a cheerful group of young people, while another sees a wild gang of troublemakers. Everybody is looking at the same thing, but the pictures are as different as a movie in colour and a black-and- white film. Every person is tuned to his sec- tor in the space of variations, thus everyone is living in their own world. All of these worlds are placed on top of each other, in layers, forming what we understand to be the space we live in.
This may be hard for you to understand. It’s impossible to separate one layer from anoth- er. Each person forms his own reality with his own thoughts, and at the same time this reality intersects and interacts with the surrounding world.
Imagine Earth without a single living creature. Winds blow, rain falls, volcanoes erupt, rivers flow – the world is there and it exists. Then suddenly a man is born and he starts observing all of this. The energy of his thoughts produce a material manifestation in a certain sector in the space of variations – creating the life of this given man in this giv- en world. His life represents a new layer of this world. Another man is born – yet another layer appears. A man dies – a layer disap- pears, or maybe he is transformed in accord- ance with what happens there, beyond the threshold of death.
Humankind is vaguely aware of the fact that there are other living creatures, which sup- posedly live in parallel worlds of some kind. But let’s suppose for a minute that there are no living creatures in the world whatsoever, at least yet. Then what kind of energy gave birth to the material manifestation of space (that is creating things and phenomena in the world), where there is not a single living creature to radiate any thought energy and thus make the material manifestation of a certain sector happen? We can only guess what energy was responsible for the creation of the world before man or any living creature was born. And perhaps, once the last living creature dies, then the world itself will disappear? Who can prove that the world exists, if there is nobody in it? For if there is no one around who can say that the world (in our understanding) exists, then there is no world to speak of.
Well, that’s enough for now – let’s not get bogged down with this any further. We’ll leave it at that. Don’t forget that Transurfing is only one of many models. All the theories people have about the surrounding world and the life in it are nothing but models. Keep the notion of importance in mind and don’t make up any external importance for the model of Transurfing. Otherwise, you could become an apologist of useless ideas and try to show everyone that your particular subjective world-view is the truth and essence. Truth is an abstraction. We can only get to know certain laws and manifestations of truth. Our goal is only this - how to make practical use of our model.
Let’s return to the worlds of generations. Each person throughout his life is moving from one sector of the space of variations to another and in so doing transforms the layer of his world. Due to the fact that he is more readily expressing discontent and is radiat- ing larger quantities of negative than positive energy, there is a tendency for the quality of life to get worse. A man could acquire mater- ial prosperity with age, but he won’t be any happier because of that. The colors of his decorations fade, and life is less and less enjoyable. A representative of the older generation and a youngster both drink the same Coca-Cola, both swim in the same ocean, ski on the same mountain slopes – everything is pretty much the same as it was many years before. However, the older man is convinced that everything was better before, while the youngster thinks that everything is just great now. And when the youngster will grow old, the story will repeat itself again.
There are deviations from this tendency, both for better and for worse. It happens that a man only starts to develop a taste for life as he gets older, and it can also happen that an entirely successful young man starts rolling downhill, hitting rock bottom. But genera- tions, overall, agree on the fact that life is getting worse the older you get. This is how a shift in layers of generations takes place. This means that the layer of the older gener- ation is moving to the worse side, while the layer of youth is lagging behind, but it is basically moving in the same direction. This shift takes place gradually, each time starting from an optimistic point of view. This is exactly why the world as a whole does not ever turn into hell. Everyone has their own layer, which they have chosen themselves. Human- kind does have the possibility to choose a layer for itself and that is what it does. It is already somewhat clearer to you how human being could go about choosing a harmful layer for themselves.
In previous chapters, we have talked about how to avoid creating hell in your layer. But how do you return to the world that was be- fore, to the tracks where life was full of colors and hopes, just like it was in your childhood and youth? This can also be done with the help of Transurfing. But for starters, we must figure out how we have gone from the tracks so successful and full of hope, to the tracks where someone could ask us, “Well, and how in the world did you end up like this?” 

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