
Monday 30 January 2017

Transurfing. Part 23. Excess Potentials: Guilt

Part 23
Excess Potentials: Guilt
Feeling guilty is an excess potential in its purest form. The thing is that concepts such as good or bad don’t exist in nature. To the balancing forces, good or bad deeds are equi- valent to each other. The balance will be re- stored in every case, whenever an excess po- tential is created. You’ve done something bad, you become aware of the nature of your deed, you then feel guilty (“I should be punished”) – an excess potential is created. You’ve done something good, you become aware of the nature of your deed, you then feel proud of yourself (“I should be rewarded”) – an excess potential is also created. The balancing forces don’t have an idea of why someone has to be punished or rewarded. They only eliminate the produced irregularities in the energy field.
The payment for feeling guilty will always be punishment of one kind or another. If you don’t feel guilty then the punishment may not be coming. Unfortunately, being proud of yourself when you have done something good will also lead to punishment and not re- ward. This is because the balancing forces have to eliminate the excess potential of pride, while a reward would only reinforce it.
When other “proper” people are making you feel guilty, the excess potential will be squared. It is enough that your conscience bothers you, but now there is the wrath of the “righteous ones” to bear as well. And finally, an unwarranted feeling of guilt that is related to the innate tendency of “always be- ing to blame for everything,” creates the biggest excess potential. In this case, it is quite pointless to be conscience-stricken. After all, the reason for your guilt was made up. Having a guilty conscience can really ru- in your life, because you would constantly be under the influence of the balancing forces. In other words, you would always be punished in various ways for your imagined wrongdoings.
That’s why there is a saying: “Impudence is the second happiness”. (See note below) In general, the bal- ancing forces won’t do anything to people that are not conscious-stricken. Nonetheless, we would really want God to punish those scoundrels. It would seem that justice has to prevail and evil must be punished. Even so, nature doesn’t know anything about a sense of justice, as sad as it may be. On the contrary, the decent people with an inherent feeling of guilt are the ones to constantly face misfortunes. Whereas shameless and cynical scoundrels get away with almost anything without being punished, and what’s more, they often get rewarded for their “efforts”.
So, feeling guilty will always produce a pun- ishment script and it does so even without your knowledge. By following the script, your subconscious will make you pay. In the best case, you will get a few cuts or bruises, or maybe you’ll have some kind of problem. And in the worst case, you could have an ac- cident that will have serious repercussions. This is what the feeling of guilt does for you. It brings only destruction, and there is nothing useful or creative about it. You don’t need to torture yourself with a guilty conscience – it won’t be of any help to you. It’s better to act in such a way so that you won’t feel guilty later. And once you’ve done that, it is meaningless to continue torturing yourself in vain, as it won’t make anyone feel better.
The Bible’s Ten Commandments are not morals in the sense that you have to behave yourself, but they are rather recommenda- tions about how one should act in order not to disrupt the balance. We are the ones who accept the commandments with our basic childlike mindset, as if our mother told us not to be naughty, or we would have to go and stand in the corner. On the contrary, no one is going to punish those who are up to a little mischief. By disturbing the balance, people create their own problems. And the commandments only warn us of that.
As we already talked about earlier, the feel- ing of guilt serves as a string by which a person can be pulled by pendulums and, in particular, by manipulators. Manipulators are people who act according to the formula: “You should do whatever I say because you’re guilty” or “I’m better than you are, be- cause you are wrong”. They are trying to impose a feeling of guilt onto their “charges”, so that they’ll have power over them, or for their own self-assurance. On the outside, these people appear “proper.” Their conceptions of what is good and what is bad were established long ago. They always speak true words, thus they are always right. All their actions are also flawless and entirely proper.
However, we must say that not all proper people have a tendency to manipulate. So where do the manipulators get their need to lecture and guide their charges from? It is conditioned by the doubts and uncertainties that are constantly tormenting their hearts. They skillfully hide this inner struggle from the world around them as well as from themselves. The lack of an inner core of strength, which the truly proper people possess, forces the manipulator to seek self-assurance at the expense of others. The need to lecture and to direct others stems from the desire to strengthen their own position, and they are doing so by belittling their charges. Thus, dependent relationships are created. It would be wonderful if the balancing forces gave the manipulators what they deserve. However, an excess potential will only arise where there is tension, but no moving energy. In this case, a charge would give the manipulator his energy. Thus there is no potential and the manipulator is free to act as
they like and get away with it.
As soon as somebody shows that he is ready to take on the feeling of guilt, the manipulat- ors will immediately stick to this person and start sucking his energy. In order to avoid their influence, you simply have to refuse feeling guilty. You’re not obliged to justify yourself in front of anybody and you don’t owe anything to anybody. If you are at fault, you can bear the punishment, as long as you don’t remain the guilty one. Don’t you owe your loved ones something? Again the answer is no. After all, don’t you care about them because you are convinced that it is the right thing to do, and not because you have to? This is a different matter entirely. If you are prone to justifying yourself, you have to stop doing that. Then the manipulators will know that there is no way they can hook on to you, and so they will leave you in peace.
By the way, the feeling of guilt is the primary cause of the inferiority complex. If you feel inferior in something that means this inferi- ority is created when you are comparing yourself with others. The investigation can begin, in which you will be the judge of your- self. However, it would only seem that you are the judge. Actually, something entirely different is going on. From the beginning, you are predisposed to take on the blame – it’s not even important for what exactly. Basically, you agree to be the guilty one. And if that is the case, you’ll also agree to the fact that you can be found guilty and punished. When you are comparing yourself to others, you are giving them the right to be superior to you. Do note that you handed them this right yourself, you were the one to allow the others to think that they are better than you are! More than likely, they probably don’t even think so in the first place, but you do. You have decided to be judge of yourself, in the name of others. So, of course, that is what you get, namely people will start judging you, because you put yourself on trial.
Take back your right to be yourself and get up from the chair of the defendant. No one will dare to judge you if you don’t consider yourself guilty. Only you, by your own good will, give the privilege of being your judge and jury to another person. It may seem that I am simply appealing to your emotions, distorting facts in order to win you over. After all, if someone has substantial and real flaws, then won’t there always be people who will point that out? Yes, most certainly there will be. But, they will only do so if they feel that you are predisposed to taking on the blame for your flaws. If for only a second you will consider yourself guilty of being worse than others are, they will definitely feel it. And the opposite, if you are free from the feeling of guilt, nobody would think of self-asserting themselves at your expense. You can see that, in this situation, an excess potential can have a very subtle impact on the surrounding environment. This is hard to believe using only common sense. However, I won’t be able to prove anything using only words. So if you don’t believe it – put it to the test!
There are two more interesting aspects to feeling guilty: power and courage. People who feel guilty always subject their will to the will of people who don’t feel guilty. If I am potentially ready to admit to being guilty of at least something, subconsciously I’m ready to endure punishment and thus, I’m ready for subordination. And if I never feel guilty, but I have the need to assert myself at others’ expense, I’m ready to become a manipulator. I am definitely not trying to say that the world is divided into manipulators and string puppets only. I just want you to have a look at the pattern. Rulers and leaders have the very least developed sense of guilt, if it exists at all. Feeling guilty is a foreign concept to cynics and other people, deprived of a conscience. Their method is to wade through slaughter and to walk over other people. It’s not surprising that unscrupulous individuals very often come to power. Again, this doesn’t mean that power is bad or that all people in power are bad. Maybe your happiness also lies in becoming a favourite of the  pendulum. Everyone decides for himself or herself what to do with their conscience – no one else has the right to tell you what you should do. In any case, however, you must say no to the feeling of guilt.
The other aspect of feeling guilty is boldness and it is a sign of an absent feeling of guilt. The essence of fear lies in the subconscious, and fear is not only caused by the frightening “unknown” but also by a dreaded punish- ment. If I am “guilty,” I theoretically agree to bear punishment, and therefore I am afraid. Indeed, brave people are never tormented by their conscience and they don’t even suffer from the least sense of guilt. They have noth- ing to be afraid of, because their inner judge has declared that they are right. Quite the opposite is true for the timid victim: I’m not sure that I’ve acted correctly, I could be con- sidered guilty and everyone has the right to punish me. Even the tiniest, weakest and most deeply hidden feeling of guilt will open the subconscious gates for punishment. If I am feeling guilty, it means I agree in theory that all sorts of robbers and bandits have the right to attack me, and therefore I am afraid.
People have come up with one interesting way of dissolving the excess potential of guilt, namely, asking for forgiveness. This ac- tually does work. If a person is carrying the feeling of guilt inside, he is striving to retain negative energy and is thus pumping up the excess potential. Having asked for forgive- ness, a person releases the potential and al- lows the energy to dissipate. Asking for for- giveness, admitting one’s mistakes, praying for one’s sins, confession – all these are methods for getting rid of the excess poten- tial of guilt. Writing a pardon, a man would, in a way, free himself of his own accusation, and he would thus, feel better. The only im- portant thing is to make sure that one’s re- morse doesn’t turn into a dependence on manipulators. They are just waiting for this to happen. Having asked for forgiveness, you have admitted your own mistake in order to throw the potential off. Manipulators will strive to remind you of your mistake many times in the future, trying to provoke so that you maintain this feeling of guilt. Don’t give in to their provocations - you have the right to ask for forgiveness but only once and never more.
Refusing to feel guilty is the most effective means of survival in an aggressive environ- ment: in jail, in a gang, in the army, on the street. It’s not an accident that the criminal world has the following unspoken rule: “Trust no one, fear nothing, don’t ask for anything.” This rule urges you to avoid creat- ing excess potential. Guilt lies at the heart of all potential that won’t be of any good to you in aggressive environments. You could pro- tect yourself by demonstrating your strength. In a world, where the strongest survives, it will work. But this is a rather general method of dealing with things. There is a much more effective way – the elimination of any idea of potential punishment from your subconscious. The following example illustrates what I mean. In the former Soviet Union, political prisoners were intentionally jailed with common criminals, to break their spirits. But what happened was that many of the political prisoners, all being remarkable individuals, did not become victims of the harassment and persecution, and not only that, but they also earned respect and authority among the criminals. The thing is that individual independence and dignity are valued more than strength. Many people have physical strength, but to possess individual strength of character is a rare phenomenon. The key to one’s personal dignity lies in the absence of any feelings of guilt. Genuine individual strength does not lie in the ability to grab someone by the throat, but in the extent  to which a person can allow himself to be
free from the feeling of guilt.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, the renowned Russian writer once said: “Drop by drop I am squeezing the slave out of me.” This phrase highlights an ambition to get rid of any feel- ing of guilt. To get rid of means to fight it. However, in Transurfing, there is no place for struggle or forcing yourself to do something. The other way is more prefer- able: to say no. That is, to choose. You don’t have to squeeze the feeling of guilt out of yourself. It’s enough to simply live in accord- ance with your own credo. No one has the right to judge you. You have the right to be yourself. If you allow yourself to be you, the need to justify yourself will no longer be rel- evant and the fear of being punished will fade away. This is when a truly remarkable thing will happen: no one will ever again dare to offend you. Moreover, it will still be valid regardless of your location – in prison, in the army, in a gang, at work, on the street, in a bar or wherever. You will never again end up in a situation where somebody will threaten you with violence. From time to time, others will be subjected to violence in one way or another, but you will not, because you’ve thrown out the feeling of guilt from your subconscious and hence, on the present life tracks, scripts for violence simply don’t exist. That is the way it is. 

This is a Russian proverb.

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