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Transurfing of Reality. A kind of life philosophy by a Russian quantum physicist Vadim Zeland. A very rough copy in need of editing, but still great, valuable content!

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  1. So beautiful girl and so nice blog!!!

  2. Hello elena my name is moises i have 27 years old you are so beautiful girl you eyes :-* beautiful and you smile too am from dominican Republic i don't speak English very well but i try... my instagram .. moisesmm31

    1. Ottawa woman Elena Komleva says she’s been inundated with messages on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, after a 29-year-old woman also named Elena Komleva apparently placed an ad on a Russian website seeking a man to impregnate her.

  3. Hello you chile hablar español ?

  4. Hola bb tienes unos lindos ojos

  5. Hola Elena mi facebook es Rafa a aragon.. Los argentinos tenemos sangre de triunfadores en él deporte y académicamente.

    1. Jajajajaja... jajajajajjajajajsjajsjs.. si, claro que si... jajajja

    2. Saldra el segundo elegido

  6. Hello my name is Alex look gorgeous and i love your eyes

    1. hello Elena komleva I am willing to marry you and give you a baby and I will be the father of your future child and I will give him my last name tell your mother that I will give him a grandson I already sent you a request on facebook and I sent you a message and I also wrote to you on Twitter and now I am sending you my WhatsApp number +52 984-135-1388 I am from here in the Mexican country I want to meet you I love you I want to get married

    2. My name is John stone stone Statham

    3. Ottawa woman Elena Komleva says she’s been inundated with messages on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, after a 29-year-old woman also named Elena Komleva apparently placed an ad on a Russian website seeking a man to impregnate her.

  7. Hola elena quiero ser tu amigo te agradesco tu tiempo

  8. hai..elena, I'm willing to impregnate you and give you a child. whether there was a chance for me? Please reply.

  9. You are an Angel!

  10. Divine Elena

  11. hi i love your interest but are you ready to do that ley meknow

  12. hi i love your interest but are you ready to do that ley meknow

  13. soy juan ............simpatica chikaaa saluditossss desde ecuador

  14. Venezual nada mejor q un venezolano somo los mejores en todo

  15. Hello Elena. Im Ivan. Nice to meet you. Im from Ecuador. Have you ever visited my country?

  16. Hola elena mi nombre es augusto soy de peru no necesito ni pediria nada pero si quieres quedar embarazada aqui me tienes a tus ordenes cuidate.

  17. Hola!! Elena... Bonita nombre... Me llamado Jean... Es un honor en conocerte.. Y edta ba leyendo ... Una página... Que buscas un hombre.. Para que puedas quedar embarazada... Bueno... Soy un chico sano... Y humilde... En personalidad... Y me gusta querer a las demás personas...esperó tu decisión...

  18. Hello Elena. My name is Irwin from Peru, I am a 28 year old college student, I found out that you would need to have a son or daughter. Sincerely, I am currently living in one of the cities with cases of very high tropical diseases that is iquitos. I do not have much interest in money or some luxury, I also want to have a childand if this is healthy would be much better, for me the rest is the least because I am training to become a doctor and that is my vocation. with respect to being healthy because I am since in being in contact with the variety of cases of tropical diseases suffered some of them leaving favorable and no complications. I hope to be considered a candidate for the election of the father of your son or daughter. Thank you very much for your attention. by cieeto I'm still learning English so I'm not talking so fluently.It is a pleasure. my full name is irwin junior rengifo lizarzaburu.

  19. Hello, my name is jean carlos. I'm 18 years old. I'm from colombia. you are a girl too beautiful and I would love that you gave me that opportunity to be the father of your children and the truth is always wanted to have a woman as beautiful as you and I would feel very lucky to have a baby with you and would be the happiest men of the world

  20. Hi, I'm Mark Armstrong from Miami. I'm an Investor & #GrowthHacker.
    Are you still with #VidRack?
    I'm using VidRack and testing a #Miami Models concept.

    I mention this because you definitely have appeal as judged by the raving comments I'm seeing>

    I purchased the pro. but am having some difficulties in implementation on my South Florida jobs site.

    I did put a support ticket in.

  21. Hi, Elena, the sons are beatiful, and big gif of God, I`m latin man honest, carefull. You are a pretty woman, my intentions whith you if be posibility make a family. I have 42 years Old, write me

  22. amiga no sabia que tenias blog aca te dejo el mio para que leas saludos a tus mascotas y cuidate mucho

  23. Hi Elena, I'm Hadi, I'm not sure you see this but in case you did, I'm respectfully asking you to check your IG direct, FB messages or your badoo account, I've had words to you there. I even asked so, in your youtube comments and you said ok but you forget! I feel like a cat chasing a rat everytime but it's yet to contact you!! I found nowhere else. It's the last place...I hope it works. OMG, thanks anyway.

    1. my email in case :

  24. Hola Elena komleva yo soy de Perú solo quiero se el padre de bebé y que tengas mi apellido nada más

  25. Кто еще не знает Лену Комлеву? Эта девушка - шавка. Она верещит и тявкает, тявкает и верещит. Она предатель. Предатель своего народа. И прекрасно это понимает. И чтобы, как-то заглушить свое предательство постоянно визжит и орет. Лицо злобное, глазки узенькие, постоянно дергает руками. В чате рулетка аргументов нет ни на один поставленный вопрос. Над ней давно все ржут. Даже украинские блогеры. Это посмешище. Быть посмешищем ее сущность. Девочка для пинания. Ее постоянно все пинают. Мазохистка. Гадит и радуется, воняет и радуется. Ее дед, воевавший во второй мировой, переворачивается в могиле. Внучка то оскотинилась. Ну что ж .Предатели всегда плохо кончают. Их не уважают и нигде не любят . А только используют. И вот эта злобная дура радуется, старается , наслаждается своим предательством.

    1. помоему ее просто врекмя о времени выпусмкают из писихушки порещзвиьтся - иначе посчему она так позорится

    2. do you want to ffuuuccklkk here too& Ottawa woman Elena Komleva says she’s been inundated with messages on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, after a 29-year-old woman also named Elena Komleva apparently placed an ad on a Russian website seeking a man to impregnate her.

  26. Ottawa woman Elena Komleva says she’s been inundated with messages on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, after a 29-year-old woman also named Elena Komleva apparently placed an ad on a Russian website seeking a man to impregnate her.

  27. а еещщееп нашшаас пищщззддуулленка связалась с ирранским ххаалляяввщщикои =м 0- ккеоорый ее екебббаалл ееббаалл и бросил вернувшись в ииорораан - это видимо окончателлно поваредило ее молзги.....
