
Monday 13 July 2020

Derogatory Stereotypes about Russian Women should not be acceptable

Promotion of derogatory stereotypes about Russian women (or women of any other nation) should not be seen as funny or acceptable!

Honestly? This is DISGUSTING! 😡 Apart from the obvious fact that the slogan on this T-shirt implies that women of a certain nation are difficult, bad, unpleasant, etc., which is, in itself, racist and sexist, when it comes to Russian (and other post-Soviet) women in particular, to be accurate, this slogan should, instead, look something like "I am a husband of a Russian woman, therefore, I am a spoiled and entitled dude with the mentality of a slave-owner!"  
From their earliest teenage years, Russian women (as well as women in other post-Soviet countries like Belarus and the Ukraine), are conditioned and pressured by their society of origin into being the catering, self-sacrificing, servants of men.
These women have grown up in the atmosphere that, in the most men-favouring and women-enslaving way possible, mixes exploitative "equality" with twisted "traditionalism": As tribute to "equality", these women are expected to have demanding, professional careers, with which they should fully provide for themselves. Indeed, Russian women often end up working in more complex, demanding, and higher-paying jobs than do their male counterparts: More women than men in Russia are doctors; there are many female engineers and computer programmers, and the Western colleagues have always been surprised at just how many female scientists there are in Russia! But at the same time, despite their actual independence and self-sufficiency, Russian women are also subjected to the twisted, contrived oppressive "traditionalism": This means that in addition to working long hours in demanding careers, these women are also expected-- fully and single-handedly and without any (or with little) help from their male partner,--to take care of all the housework and childcare responsibilities: to cook, wash, clean, educate and entertain their children, to solve the issues that arise at their child's school or kindergarten, etc. And that's not all. Another "traditional" responsibility on top of everything else that is expected of women in these societies is to always look attractive in the process! Staying skinny, always wearing perfect makeup, strutting in a mini skirt and in six-inch stiletto heels even on black ice in wintertime, all just to please a man, who is, for no real reason or merit, viewed as the sole meaning of a woman's life!  
Do you think life can't get any worse for a woman by this point? 
There is still some room: 
Because there is this artificial, fabricated "traditionalism" taking place in these post-Soviet societies, a man is supposed to be made to feel superior in every way as compared to a woman; something that, given all that we now know, he, frankly, simply is not. So, by now, it should not come as any surprise, that it constitutes a woman's additional responsibility to artificially create this sense of superiority in a man at the expense of a woman's own self-worth: Around a man, a woman is expected to act silly and incompetent,  making sure that a man thinks that all the smart decisions and solutions are always his, and not hers (this is literally a common advice for women in Russian society "Make all the right, intelligent decisions yourself but make a man believe that these decisions has been his idea). So, despite what the reality may be, a "real woman" should make her man feel great, strong, knowledgeable, and simply a genius as compared to his woman! (Yes, even if she is a doctor and he is a garbage truck driver!)
Why would a woman even want to enslave herself through marriage in such a society?
Because the goal of a woman's life is believed to be a man, or , more specifically, a marriage to a man. Without it, a woman is often seen as incomplete and defective, she is (direct quote) an "incomplete person of lower quality", regardless of all the success and impressive achievements that she may have in other all areas of her life, such as in her career. Without this pressure on a woman to marry or else forever be seen as defective, the pervasive psychological pressure that is extreme in Russian and other post-soviet societies, no woman (and no human being in general) would probably subject themselves to such a voluntary enslavement.   
So, having been psychologically coerced by society, these women are led to jump through hoops just to please men in the hopes of getting married to one. 
And now, going back to this self-important-looking guy and the slogan on the T-shirts that he is trying to push: Being married to such over-accommodating women who, unfortunately, have been brainwashed to be of the opinion that they, as women, must be all and do all for a man, while all he should do in turn, is just, well, exist, being married to such an over-accommodating woman must be a real ordeal! 
And let's face it: Most western men who are purposely looking specifically for Russian women, on some level, expect exactly that: a voiceless (non-feminist!), supermodel-looking servant for all their needs! A woman who is clueless in the new environment and language, and so is utterly dependant upon her Western master; who doesn't know her rights and has no one to turn to and nowhere to go no matter what her Western master does. A woman who can be sexually objectified and insulted and who won't even know that what is happening is supposed to be humiliating! Who has been so psychologically oppressed that unlike her Western counterpart, she won't know and recognize abuse when it stares her in the face. 
So that these men, who ordered themselves such an obedient wife-servant from abroad can then pose with these T-shirts looking tough while the said Russian woman is crawling on her knees and washing and rubbing the floor under their feet!

P.S. Speaking about being unaware and, as a result, not recognizing subtle put-downs and insults: This very picture above, which proved me to write such a long essay above was actually proudly shared by a Russian woman who thought that the phrase "I'm married to a Russian woman. Noting scares me!" implied that being married to a Russian woman is such a positive and uplifting experience that it inspires bravery and fearlessness in men; obviously though, to any English-speaker, this kind of construction means the exact opposite: Marriage to a Russian woman is supposedly such a challenge that nothing can scare a man after such an ordeal anymore. This phrase is used in many situations and always has this meaning, implying great difficulty, a challenge "I have three children, so nothing scares me!" "I have two boys so nothing scares me!" (Tough in these cases its use is at least justifiable, as opposed to when it is directed at over-accommodating, self-sacrificing Russian women)

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