
Monday 30 January 2017

Transurfing. Part 36. The Flow of Variations: Letting Go of the Situation.

Part 36
The Flow of Variations: Letting Go of the Situation

Streams in the flow of variations relieve the mind of two overwhelming burdens: the necessity to rationally solve all problems and to have all situations under constant control. Of course, the burdens will be lifted only if the mind is willing to relieve itself of them. In order for this to happen, the mind needs a more or less rational explanation to why it is a better option not to carry these two bur- dens around. As you’ve probably noticed, there are a lot of irrationalities in this book, a lot of things that do not conform to common sense. And even though Transurfing is not aimed at explaining the structure of this world, I still have to, in one way or another, present arguments to support all of these conclusions that appear shocking to the mind.
How else? To shake the solid wall of common sense is very difficult. The mind is not used to accepting proof, based only on faith. It demands facts to be based on real evidence. You can get real evidence yourself, if you test the principles and methods of Transurfing in real world situations. I can only present you with certain arguments, so as to calm the suspicious mind. In the worst case, not only would you not begin to verify any of these principles, but you would read no further. And yet, this is really only the be- ginning. There are many more discoveries waiting for you ahead.
The two overwhelming burdens that our mind is carrying around were laid upon it back in our childhood. We were constantly being trained: “Use your head! Are you aware of what you’re doing? Explain your ac- tions! Do your homework, because only if you learn to use your mind will you ever be able to achieve anything in life. You dumb  head, you! Will you ever learn?” Our teachers and life circumstances have made a “soldier” out of our mind, a soldier ready at any moment to find an explanation, to give an answer to any question posed, to evaluate a situation, to make a decision, to maintain control over what is happening. The mind is taught to act rationally, with common sense.
Just don’t be thinking that I am so full of my- self that I am ready to sweep common sense away all together. It is actually quite the op- posite - common sense is a minimal collec- tion of necessary rules, which tell you how you should behave yourself in the surround- ing world in order to survive. The mind is making only one mistake – it is following this set of rules too literally and too strictly. Obsession with common sense prevents the mind from looking around and seeing that which doesn’t agree with these rules.
And there are so many things in the world that diverge from common sense. The proof of this is the inability of our mind to explain everything, or to protect us from trouble. There’s a very easy way out of this situation: to rely on the streams in the flow of variations. The basis of this logic is also very simple: as it happens, expediency lies in these streams, and that is exactly what the mind is looking for. As you know, streams follow the way of least resistance. The mind strives to reason sensibly and logically, rely- ing on the links of cause and effect. But the fact that mind is not perfect keeps it from correctly orienting itself in the surrounding world, and from finding only the correct decisions.
But nature is in essence perfect, thus there is more expediency and logic in the streams than in the very wisest argumentation. And no matter how much the mind is convinced of the fact that it is thinking sensibly, it will  be mistaken nonetheless. Yet, the mind will make mistakes in any case, but there will be fewer of them if the mind will moderate its zeal and, if possible, will let problems be solved on their own without actively interfering with the process. That is what we call to let go of the situation. In other words, you must loosen your grip, lower the amount of control, not disturb the flow and give more freedom of action to the surrounding world.
You already know that pressing and pushing the world is not only useless but also harm- ful. When not agreeing with the flow, the mind is creating excess potential. Transurf- ing proposes an entirely different way. First of all, we create our obstacles ourselves by pumping up excess potential. If you were to lower importance, obstacles would eliminate themselves. Second of all, if an obstacle doesn’t give in to your efforts, you should not fight it. Just go around it. The guiding signs can help you.
The mind’s problem also lies in its tendency to perceive events that do not fit in its script as obstacles. The mind usually plans and calculates everything in advance, while if something unforeseen suddenly happens, the mind starts actively fighting it, in order to fit events to its own script. As a result, the situation becomes even worse. Of course, the mind is not in a condition to plan events ideally. At this point, more freedom has to be given to the flow. The flow is not interested in ruining your fate. It would, again, be un- advisable. It is the mind which ruins your fate with its unreasonable actions.
Expediency, from the mind’s point of view, is when everything is running according to the predesigned script. Everything that doesn’t agree with the script is perceived as an un- desired problem. And problems have to be solved. Thus the mind takes on this mission with great diligence, creating new problems.
In this way, the mind itself is piling up a whole lot of obstacles on its way.
Think about it: when do people feel happy, when do they experience satisfaction, when are they satisfied with themselves? When everything goes according to plan. The least deviation from the script is perceived as a failure. Inner importance won’t allow the mind to accept the possibility of deviations. The mind thinks, “After all, I’ve planned and calculated everything in advance. I should know better, what is good and what is bad for me. I’m being sensible.” Life often gives gifts to people, which they reluctantly re- ceive, only because these gifts are not part of their plan. “I wanted a different toy!” Reality is such that we hardly ever get just the toys we were planning to have. Thus, we are all walking around gloomy and dissatisfied. And now imagine how much more enjoyable life would be, if only the mind were to lower its importance and recognize the right of deviations to exist in the script!
Everyone can regulate the level of their own happiness. Most people set the lowest bar of happiness much too high, and thus do not consider themselves happy. I am not preach- ing that you should be happy with what you have. The doubtful formula of the type “if you want to be happy – then just be happy” isn’t suitable for Transurfing. You will get your toy, but we’ll talk about that later, in parts two and three. Now we are talking about how to avoid unpleasant events and how to decrease the number of problems.
The mind cannot use the ready solutions to problems in the streams of the flow of vari- ations. This is only because the mind is not willing to allow any deviations in its script. The mind’s manic tendency to keep everything under control turns life into a constant battle with the flow. The mind couldn’t really allow the flow of variations to move on its own without submitting to its will now, could it? Thus, we’ve come to the mind’s main mistake. The mind is not striving to control its movement along the flow, but the flow itself. This is one of the major reasons why problems and unpleasant events appear.
The expedient stream, moving along the path of least resistance, cannot create problems or obstacles – they’re created by the muddle- headed mind. Activate the Overseer and, at least for the course of one day, observe how your mind is trying to control the flow. So- mething is proposed to you, and you refuse. Somebody is trying to tell you something - you wave it away. Somebody expresses their opinion, and you argue against it. Somebody does something his own way, and you set him on the right path. You are offered a solu- tion, and you refuse. You wait for one thing, but get something completely different and express your dissatisfaction. Someone interferes with you, and you lose your temper. Something goes against your script, and you launch a full frontal attack to direct the flow into the needed channel. Maybe for you personally, it all happens somewhat differently, but there is a grain of truth in all of this. Am I right?
And now try to loosen you grip of control and grant more freedom to the flow. I am not suggesting that you agree to everything or that you accept everything that is handed to you. Simply change your tactics: move the center of gravity away from control to obser- vation. Strive to observe more than to con- trol. Don’t be in a rush to wave things away, to object, to argue, to push forward your own opinions, to interfere, to control or to criti- cize. Give the situation a chance to resolve it- self without your active interference or res- istance. You’ll be, if not dumbfounded, then at least amazed, that’s for sure. And what will happen is a completely paradoxical thing. Having refused control over situations, you will gain even more control than you had before. A detached observer always has a greater advantage than a first-hand participant. This is why I am constantly repeating: rent yourself out.
When you look back, you’ll become con- vinced that your control was against the flow. The suggestions of others made a lot of sense arguing with them was completely use- less. Your interference was in vain. What you saw as obstacles were not obstacles at all. Problems resolve themselves quite fine even without your knowledge. Everything you got that you didn’t plan for wasn’t that bad after all. Incidental phrases that were mentioned in passing were actually quite valid. Your in- ner discomfort served as a warning. You didn’t waste any excess energy and remained satisfied. This is that magnificent gift of the flow to the mind I spoke of in the beginning.
And of course, in addition to everything mentioned before, let’s remember our “friends.” To move in agreement with the flow is made difficult by pendulums. They make up provocations at every step a person takes, forcing him to violently beat the water with his fists. Pendulums don’t like the existence of streams in the flow, for one simple reason - the stream moves in the direction of the minimal expenditure of energy. Energy spent by a man who struggles with the flow goes to creating excess potential and to feed pendulums. The only control worth talking about is control over the level of internal and external importance. Remember that it is importance in particular that interferes with any attempt the mind makes to let go of the situation.
To let go of a situation is in many cases much more effective and useful, than insisting on one’s own way. People’s striving for self-as- surance gives rise to the habit of proving one’s significance already from childhood. From this stems the tendency, that is harmful in all senses, to prove that “I’m right”, no matter the costs. This striving creates an excess potential and enters into conflict with the interests of others. Often people try to prove that they are right, even when the verdict for one side or the other doesn’t directly affect their interests.
There are some people, whose feeling of in- ner importance is so exaggerated that they strive to get their own way even when it comes down to the smallest of details. Inner importance develops into a mania to keep everything under control. “I’ll prove I am right to everybody, whatever it may cost.” It is a harmful habit. It really complicates one’s life, in particularly the life of the defender of the truth.
If your interests won’t suffer too much from it, then go ahead and let go of the situation.
Allow others the right slapping the water with their hands. If you do this with full awareness, then immediately you will feel so relieved and simply wonderful – even more than if you had proved your point. You will find satisfaction in the fact that you’ve moved up to the next step: you didn’t uphold your importance, as you would usually do, but you have acted like a wise parent with unreasonable children.
Let’s look at one more example. Excessive zeal at work is also as harmful as a careless attitude. Let’s suppose that you’ve managed to get that prestigious job you’ve been dreaming about for a long time. You make great demands on yourself because you think that you have to show your best. This is true. But, if you too zealously seize the bull by the horns, most probably you won’t be able to take the pressure, especially if the job is diffi- cult. In the best case, your work will be inef- fective, while in the worst case, you’ll have  gotten yourself a nervous breakdown. You could even arrive at the false conclusion that you aren’t capable of dealing with this job.
Another option is also possible. You stir up a vigorous activity at your new job and in this way disturb the established order of things. It would seem that there are quite a few things at work that could be made perfect, and you’re absolutely certain that you’re act- ing correctly. However, if your innovations bring destruction to the usual way of life at the work place, don’t expect anything good to come of it. This is the case when the initi- ative is punishable. You were put into a slow, but peaceful and even flow, and you started with all your might be slapping the water with your hands, trying to swim faster.
So what, does this mean that you are not al- lowed to say a word and shouldn’t stick out at all? Well, it is not quite that tough. Ap- proach this question with a business mind set. You can only become annoyed and scold someone who is directly bothering you, and only in the case when your criticism can change something for the better. Never criticize what has already happened and what cannot be changed. In everything else, you need to go with the flow – but not literally, agreeing with everything and everybody, but only by moving the centre of gravity from control to observation. Observe more and don’t be in a hurry to control situations, people and so on. The feeling of moderation, how and when to interfere, will come to you by itself. Don’t worry about that.

Summary of Parts 32-36
The mind interprets information using a collection of well-established labels.
The soul doesn’t think and doesn’t speak, but it feels and knows.
The mind is only able to create a relatively new version of a house made out of old bricks.
Entirely new discoveries come from unrealized sectors.
The soul serves as a mediator between en- tirely new information and the mind.
The soul accepts unrealized information as knowledge without interpretations.
If the mind is successful in interpreting the soul’s information, a discovery is made.
The mind is capable of unambiguously determining the state of inner comfort.
Train yourself to pay attention to inner comfort.
Having refused importance, you will get the freedom to choose your destiny.
Freedom of choice allows you to stop asking, stop demanding, and to stop struggling. It allows you to go and take whatever you want.
The structure of information is arranged into chains of cause and effect links.
Cause and effect links give rise to the flow of variations.
The paths of least resistance are arranged into separate streams.
Streams in the flow of variations already have in themselves the solutions to all problems.
Internal and external importance throw the mind out of the optimal stream.
It is the mind which leads you to a waterfall, and not the streams in the flow of variations.
Everything is a lot easier than it seems. Give in to this simplicity.
It is not the omen that works, but your attitude to it.
Guiding signs point at possible turns in the flow of variations.
Life tracks differ qualitatively from one another.
Signs put us on alert, because they appear during a transfer to another life track.
Signs can be distinguished by their ability to create a sensation that something is not quite right.
Spontaneous phrases can be perceived as clear instructions which you may act on.
The condition of inner discomfort is a clear sign.
If you have to talk yourself into something, it means the soul is saying “no.”
If you have the possibility to refuse an uncomfortable decision – refuse it.
It’s necessary to loosen the grip and accept unforeseen events in your script.
Importance gets in the way of your accept- ing the possibility of deviations in your script.
The mind strives to control, not its own movement along the flow, but the flow itself.
Move the center of gravity from control to observation.
Having relinquished control, you will get real control over a situation.
If you move along the flow of variations, the world will come out to greet you. 

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